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Rep. Devin Nunes (2010)

Devin Nunes (born October 1, 1973) has served in the U.S. House of Representatives since 2003. He currently represents California's 22nd congressional district, which is located in the San Joaquin Valley and includes portions of Tulare and Fresno Counties. He and his wife have three daughters.  

Nunes is Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and a member of the Ways and Means Committee, having previously served as Chairman of the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade. He is the author of the book Restoring the Republic, which was published in September 2010. 

Early life, Education, and Career

Nunes was born in Tulare, California. His family is of Portuguese descent, having emigrated from the Azores to California. From childhood, he worked on a farm that his family has operated in Tulare County for three generations. He raised cattle as a teenager, used his savings to begin a harvesting business, and then bought his own farmland with his brother.

Nunes graduated from Tulare Union High School. He is the second Member of Congress to attend Tulare Union, following Olympic gold medalist Bob Mathias, who served in the House of Representatives from 1967 to 1975. After associate's work at College of the Sequoias, Nunes graduated from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, where he received a bachelor’s degree in agricultural business and a master’s degree in agriculture.

Nunes was first elected to public office as one of California’s youngest community college trustees in state history at the age of 23. As a member of the College of the Sequoias Board from 1996 to 2002, he was an advocate for distance learning and the expansion of programs available to high school students. In 2001, he was appointed by President George W. Bush to serve as California State Director for the United States Department of Agriculture's Rural Development section. He left this post to run for California’s 21st congressional district and now serves in the 22nd district as a result of redistricting in 2010. 

Committee Assignment History

Nunes was appointed to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in the 112th Congress and became its chairman in the 114th Congress. He was appointed to the Ways and Means Committee in the 109th Congress and currently serves as a member of the Trade and Health Subcommittees, having served as Chairman of the Trade Subcommittee in the 113th Congress. Nunes previously served as a member of the House Budget Committee during the 111th Congress. In the 108th Congress, his first term in the House of Representatives, he served on the House Resources Committee, where he was chairman of the National Parks Subcommittee, and on the Agriculture and Veterans Affairs committees.



In 2012, Nunes authored the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Water Reliability Act (H.R. 1837). The bill, which passed the House of Representatives, put forward a comprehensive solution to the water shortages plaguing California’s Central Valley. It called for billions of dollars in cost-cutting measures on wasteful government programs; streamlining environmental regulations to increase water flows; and expanding the use of the Central Valley Project to allow water deliveries by non-federal sources. Two years later, the Act formed the basis of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Emergency Water Delivery Act (H.R. 3964), which was coauthored by Nunes and passed the House of Representatives.

Tax reform

On January 13, 2016, Nunes introduced the American Business Competitiveness Act in the House of Representatives. The Act would replace the existing tax system for businesses with a cash-flow tax including 100 percent current-year expensing and territorial tax rules. The Act's key components were included in Speaker Ryan's "A Better Way" tax reform proposal.  


In 2006, Nunes authored the American-Made Energy Freedom Act (H.R. 5890). In July 2008, the Republican Conference introduced the American Energy Act (H.R. 6566), which was modeled in part on the Nunes proposal. The central feature of the Nunes plan is the establishment of a renewable energy trust fund from revenues generated by deep-ocean and Arctic coastal plain exploration. The funds from this account would be invested in alternative fuels and technology.

On July 28, 2010, Nunes introduced A Roadmap for America's Energy Future (H.R. 5899). It accelerates the exploration and production of fossil fuel; supports the rapid development of market-based alternative energy supplies; and expands the number of nuclear reactors from the current 104 to 300 over the next 30 years.  

Federal Spending, Healthcare, and State Pensions

On July 22, 2008, Nunes became an original cosponsor of A Roadmap for America's Future (H.R. 6110), sponsored by Paul Ryan (R-WI). The bill proposes major reforms of the U.S. health care system, entitlement programs, the federal tax code, job training, and the budget process. The Roadmap offers permanent solutions to our nation’s budget challenges by revamping Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, and providing for their long-term financial solvency.

Also in 2009, Nunes co-authored the Patients' Choice Act (H.R. 2520) with Paul Ryan in the House, and Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Richard Burr (R-NC) in the Senate. The Act would establish a system of state health insurance exchanges and create a Medi-Choice tax rebate for buying health insurance. The bill also proposes extending choice to Medicaid recipients who would be afforded both the Medi-Choice rebate as well as additional support to buy private health insurance. The Patients' Choice Act was incorporated into A Roadmap for America's Future in 2010.

On December 2, 2010, Nunes introduced the Public Employee Pension Transparency Act (H.R. 6484). The bill enhances transparency for state and local pensions, and would establish a clear federal prohibition on any future public pension bailouts by the federal government. 


In 2005, Nunes introduced H.R. 99, which designated State Route 99 as a congressional High Priority Corridor. The bill also provided federal authorization for Highway 99 to become part of the Interstate Highway System. The bill became law as part of H.R. 3 in August 2005. On February 17, 2011, Nunes introduced the San Joaquin Valley Transportation Enhancement Act (H.R. 761), which would allow California to redirect federal high-speed rail funds to finance improvements to Highway 99.

National Security/Veterans

Congressman Nunes has traveled extensively to war zones to meet with soldiers and examine first-hand their status. As a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, he participates in oversight of the U.S. national security apparatus, including all the classified activities of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Department of Defense, and many others.

Nunes is also the author of the Hubbard Act of 2008 (H.R.5825), which was named in honor of the Hubbard brothers of California, Jared, Nathan, and Jason. Jared and Nathan lost their lives serving in Iraq. Jason was discharged as a sole survivor, but was denied separation benefits upon leaving the Army. The Hubbard Act, which was enacted into law, provides sole survivors with numerous benefits that were already offered to other soldiers honorably discharged. It relieves sole survivors from repaying any portion of their enlistment bonus; entitles them to the educational benefits of the Montgomery GI Bill; and allows them to receive separation pay and transitional healthcare coverage.