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U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., issued the following statement concerning the Obama Administration making another unilateral decision to exempt businesses from unpopular requirements of Obamacare.

“For someone who likes to tout the Affordable Care Act as his signature domestic achievement, President Obama seems to only want it to apply when he feels like it. The recent announcement is another acknowledgement of the inherent flaws in the health care law and another reason that we should repeal and replace it with more market-oriented, step-by-step reforms that provide coverage, reward quality, and improve access to health care.

“The Administration continues to pretend that the health care law isn’t hurting our economy and undermining incentives for employment, but the American people know better. This delay is just the latest sign of what the true effects of the law will be. Rather than making another purely political decision that punts unpopular provisions until after the next election, the Administration should finally admit that the law needs to be scrapped. I have offered up a number of ideas for true health care reform, including my Ten Steps plan, and I applaud my colleagues in the Senate who have done so as well.”