
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!

I’m relieved to hear that nobody was injured at Christiana Mall this evening. I’m grateful as ever to our state police and first responders who quickly arrived to ensure everyone was safe.

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he was tries to work with the other side to accomplish Fair outcome to any kind of situation. I saw ...him work hard on the Cavanaugh standoff. it really impressed me. See More
This man is intelligent, articulate, thoughtful, hard working, and kind. Everything that a represent...ative of the people should be and very few are. We in Delaware are blessed to have him as our senator. See More
I voted for Donald Trump and for his agenda. This resistance is destroying the country and is totall...y unacceptable. President Trump won the election fair and square. The Democrats shutdown the government over border security. They apparently don’t care who or what crossed our border. I want the barrier that Democrats voted for ten years ago. I’m sick of these globalist puppets getting in the way of what’s right for this country. See More
CNN New Day
My honor to deliver the keynote remarks at Delaware State University's 133rd Commencement exercises. Thank you to Dr. Wilma Mishoe and Dr. Tony Allen for the opportunity to address graduates, friends and family.