The Texas court decision striking down the Affordable Care Act would raise health care costs and take away coverage from millions of Americans if it’s not overturned. We’re going to fight this awful decision with everything we have. ‬
Bloomberg TV: Protecting New Hampshire's Small Businesses
We Need More Transparency, Not Less When it Comes to Money in Politics

I’m deeply grateful for Secretary Mattis’s years of service to the United States of America. Secretary Mattis’s resignation letter powerfully raises concerns from members of both parties about the President’s haphazard, impulsive approach to security issues, his failure to strategically confront our adversaries, his contempt for our allies, and his desire to abandon America’s vital role in maintaining an international order that protects our security and our values.

Members of both parties must step up now to do everything we can to promote a coherent American foreign policy that will keep us safe, secure, and free.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Defense Secretary Jim Mattis abruptly said he was resigning Thursday after two years of disagreements with President Donald Trump over America's role in the world — the announcement coming one day after Trump overruled his advice against pulling troops out of Syria and pressed ...