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Enzi files amendments to protect Wyoming’s ICBM force in defense bill

Says ICBM readiness critical to nation’s defense

November 20, 2013

America’s ICBM force is a visible reminder that America is prepared to protect itself and its allies from any nation that wishes to harm us. This Administration’s tendency to arbitrarily and unilaterally reduce our nuclear force only increases threats to our national security and is a naïve and short-sighted policy, according to U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., the Co-founder and Chairman of the Senate ICBM Coalition.

Enzi is offering a two-pronged approach to protect Wyoming’s ICBM force from the Obama Administration’s rush to disarm America’s nuclear triad.

“The Administration’s views on our nuclear deterrent should come as no surprise to anyone.  We’ve seen President Obama promise to do all that he can to reduce our nuclear arsenal – step by step.  He rammed the New START Treaty through the Senate by promising commitments that he ultimately did not keep.  One of those was the promise to modernize our nuclear force, which we’re still waiting on,” said Enzi. “I voted against ratification of the New START Treaty because I believe maintaining a strong nuclear force is a critical part of protecting our country.”

Enzi is working on two ICBM amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which directs defense spending and policy. Amendment #2040 would prohibit the Department of Defense from removing ballistic missile silos that contain a deployed missile and at a minimum require missiles to be kept in a warm status. This amendment is supported by all members of the Senate ICBM Coalition, including Senator Barrasso.

Amendment #2394 would require any further reductions in America’s nuclear force to be made through the formal treaty making process under the Constitution. The amendment, introduced by Enzi, is cosponsored by Senator Barrasso and Senator John Hoeven, N.D.  

“Twenty-four hours a day, the top notch men and women who are stationed at F.E. Warren stand guard to ensure our safety and our freedom.  They maintain a constant vigil from which they can never “stand down” because their mission is that critical,” said Enzi. “We owe it to these men and women to stand up against bad policy that puts Wyoming and our nation at risk.”  

So far the Senate majority leader has refused to allow senators to freely offer even bi-partisan amendments like Enzi’s.

“If you want to know what is wrong with the Senate and why people of all political persuasions are upset with Congress, that is a big part of the answer right there.”

Click here to read amendment #2040.
Click here to read amendment #2394.