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Washington, D.C. – Many people supported President Obama’s health care law based on his words. Those words don’t mean much now to the millions of people receiving cancellation notices from insurers for their current plans, paying prices higher than promised, and losing work hours, wages and in some cases jobs. That was the message of U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., who took to the Senate floor today to speak on how Obamacare is hurting Wyoming and share the story of a woman from Laramie who lost her health insurance plan she liked thanks to the president’s health care law.

“In Wyoming alone we have 2,600 people who are losing the health care coverage they liked. I have received numerous letters from my constituents illustrating the scope of this problem,” said Enzi. “Grete from Laramie is one of them. Grete is in graduate school at the University of North Dakota and paying for tuition out of pocket. She had the university’s student Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance plan. In September, her husband and two daughters received notice that their family insurance policy was gone  They were happy with their coverage. Grete said their plan had very good coverage of maternity and well-child visits, low deductibles, and an affordable monthly premium. Her family can’t afford a new health insurance plan, which according to her, ‘costs more and gives me less.’ That’s what we're facing as a nation – health care plans we can no longer keep and broken promises from the White House.

“The president misinformed the American people when he said, ‘If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.’ Just last week, he said the Democrats didn’t do a good enough job crafting the law. To me, that sounds like a law that should have never been passed. We must continue to push for repeal of this law of broken promises and work on alternative solutions that really do what people were promised,” Enzi said.

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