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Millions losing health plans they liked, no surprise to Administration

Obamacare proponents rejected Senate proposal that would genuinely let people keep plans they liked

October 30, 2013

Washington, D.C. - The Obama Administration promised people that if they liked their health care plans, they would be able to keep them under Obamacare. Now millions of Americans are discovering not only that this was not true, but NBC News reported this week that Administration knew it wasn’t true. U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., said that the Administration knew that from the start, just as he did.

In September of 2010, Enzi led an effort to overturn the Department of Health and Human Services “grandfathering” regulations which in effect ensured that millions of Americans would be forced off their current plans.

“If something is repeated often enough people will believe it, even if it’s false. That has been this Administration’s Obamacare mantra, whether it’s that it will cost people less, bring the deficit down or that if people like their health care plan they can keep it,” said Enzi. “The website problems are visible, but small compared to the fundamental flaws of this law. We are seeing why such sweeping legislation should never be undertaken in such a partisan manner. We can put a better system in place, but we need people to help this Administration and Senate majority leadership face reality.”

Sept. 29, 2010, the Senate majority voted not to consider Enzi’s S.J. Res. 39, by a vote of 59-40. The resolution provided for congressional disapproval of the rules which made it impossible for millions of people to keep their health plans under the new law. Enzi expects there to be a renewed effort to help the president keep his promise, but the Senate majority has a long record of blocking any changes to Obamacare.