
e-News 10/19/2018

Saudi Arabia
Worth a Read from the Washington Post: Jamal Khashoggi’s final column
Appropriations Highlight: Preparing for the Next Health Emergency
NJ 11 Students Preparing for College
Help Salute our State’s Role as America Celebrates its 250th Birthday
Salute: The VanOrden’s 76 years of Service to the Lincoln Park First Aid Squad

Saudi Arabia

This past week we continued to see troubling reports detailing the moments that lead to the horrible killing of Saudi journalist and Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. The United States, the people of Saudi Arabia, and the entire world deserve to know who was responsible for these crimes so they may be brought to justice.

I applaud Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin’s Thursday decision to withdraw from the Future Investment Initiative conference in Riyadh next week. You can read more about this decision in the New York Times report here.

Further, utilizing the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, Congress has already initiated the process to investigate the disappearance of Mr. Khashoggi.  Under the legislation, the President, upon receipt of a letter from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is authorized to impose sanctions on those responsible for extrajudicial killings, torture, or other human rights violations against individuals who seek to obtain, exercise, defend, or promote human rights and freedoms, including freedom of expression. You can read more about Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corkers’s (TN) actions here.

The U.S. – Saudi relationship has lasted for over seven decades tracing back to President Franklin D. Roosevelt meeting King Abdul Aziz ibn Saud aboard the USS Quincy in 1945. Despite differences between our two countries and setbacks that have strained our relationship, each president since Roosevelt has worked to strengthen our alliance with Saudi Arabia. Today, the Saudi’s are a key national security ally in the Middle East, assisting our fight against terrorism and checking Iranian extremism. In addition, they are a critical economic and trading partner.

It is imperative we deliver justice to Mr. Khashoggi while doing our best to rebuild and restore our historic relationship.


Worth a Read from the Washington Post: Jamal Khashoggi’s final column, an appeal for free expression in the Arab world, which ran in Thursday’s Washington Post. You can read it here.

Appropriations Highlight: Preparing for the Next Health Emergency

The Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Labor-Health and Human Services (LHHS) Appropriations bill was approved by Congress and signed into law last month – marking the first time in twenty years this legislation was enacted prior to the end of the fiscal year.

The LHHS bill, which was drafted by my House Committee on Appropriations, funds a variety of human service programs and provides robust support for key investments that will save lives in the event of health emergencies.

Contained in the legislation is $50 million to establish an Infectious Disease Rapid Response Reserve Fund. This will allow the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and other health agencies to respond to the next infectious disease outbreak. As we have seen with previous outbreaks, it is imperative our health officials have the resources on hand to respond quickly and effectively. I am pleased Congress was able to have the foresight to approve these new resources so we are better prepared to save lives.

The LHHS bill also includes $171 million for Preparedness and Response activities at the CDC, an increase of $10 million from FY 2018, to support programs that strengthen national readiness to both naturally occurring and intentional public health emergencies. Further, this legislation continues robust funding of $610 million for the Strategic National Stockpile, a national repository of antibiotics, vaccines, antidotes, and other critical medical equipment and supplies available in the event of an emergency.

You can read more about the LHHS bill here and to learn more about the legislation’s impact on New Jersey visit here.


NJ-11 Students Preparing for College

This time of year many students and families across New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District are busy planning for their collegiate and postsecondary education.  As we have seen over the years, the cost for students attending college has become a heavy burden for many undergraduates and their families. 

It is important to note, there are a number of resources available to students and their families for planning and acquiring funds for postsecondary education.  I would encourage you to review this comprehensive guide of the various resources that may be of assistance to students and their families compiled by the Congressional Research Service.  


Help Salute our State’s Role as America Celebrates its 250th Birthday

Plans are already underway to mark our nation’s 250th Anniversary in 2026. In 2016, Congress unanimously approved the United States Semiquincentennial Commission Act establishing USA250, United States Semiquincentennial Commission to organize, advocate, and promote this critical milestone anniversary of the founding of America and the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

This week, I wrote USA250 requesting an update on their plans to recognize New Jersey’s contributions to the Revolution. New Jersey was at the crossroads of America's Revolutionary War, with nearly 300 sites in our State with direct ties to the American Revolution, it is imperative the Commission honors New Jersey!

To learn more and to share your ideas with the Commission you can visit their website here.

You can read more about “Revolutionary New Jersey” by visiting the Crossroads of the American Revolution website here.


Salute: The VanOrden’s 76 years of Service to the Lincoln Park First Aid Squad

This week I was pleased to pay tribute to Richard and Susan VanOrden who have dedicated over 76 years of service to the Lincoln Park First Aid Squad.  Richard began on the squad in 1978.  Sue began in 1982.  That's 40 and 36 years respectively. They have held many positions between the two of them as well as Sue holding the position of President of the entire New Jersey State First Aid Council. Every year, they have made their required hours, often giving above and beyond.   Thank you Richard and Sue for your dedicated service to Lincoln Park and the surrounding communities!