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Congressman Tom Emmer

Representing the 6th District of Minnesota


The Cuba Trade Act of 2015: H.R. 3238

Press Release: Emmer, Castor Introduce Legislation to Lift Cuba Embargo

Press Release: Emmer Announces Cuba Working Group Steering Committee 

Press  Release: Klobuchar, Emmer to join President of Historic Visit to Cuba

Cuba News of Note

Click the link above to read articles on Rep. Emmer's work on Cuba

Ask Tom Video on Cuba:


On September 10, 2015, Congressman Tom Emmer (MN-06) participated in the the Foreign Affairs Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade Subcommittee Hearing on the benefits lifting the Cuba Embargo would bring to the agriculture community.

Opening Statement - September 10, 2015

Questioning of U.S. Commerce & Treasury officials related to agricultural trade in Cuba 


Support from trade, agriculture, business, human rights and advocacy groups

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

"Having long advocated for an end to the economic embargo on Cuba, the U.S. Chamber looks forward to working with the U.S. Congress and other key stakeholders to fully realize the potential of our bilateral economic relationship." - Myron Brilliant, Executive Vice President & Head of International Affairs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Minnesota Farm Bureau

"Lifting the trade embargo with Cuba will open up many opportunities for Minnesota agriculture. In 2013, Minnesota exported about $20 million worth of agricultural goods in Cuba. Minnesota is in a position to lead on agricultural trade due to this existing relationship. Representative Emmer's bill will allow this trade relationship to flourish while protecting American taxpayers." - Kevin Paap, President, MFB

National Foreign Trade Council 

"Restoring normal trade and diplomacy between the United States and Cuba serves our strategic interests in the hemisphere and can only benefit the Cuban people and support human rights and individual liberty on the island." - Bill Reinsch, President, NFTC

National Farmers Union

“Breaking down these self-imposed trade barriers is necessary to provide U.S. family farmers with increased market access and opportunities for trade in Cuba, a market of 11 million people just 90 miles away from American shores. NFU fully supports the Cuba Trade Act of 2015, which will lift the failed trade embargo and boost U.S. agricultural exports to Cuba.” - Roger Johnson, President, NFU

Minnesota Farmers Union

“Minnesota Farmers Union policy has long supported normalizing trade relations with Cuba, and MFU appreciates Rep. Emmer's efforts to create enhanced market opportunities for Minnesota farmers.” - Doug Peterson, President, MFU

National Turkey Federation

"We are proud to support legislation that will remove barriers to trade with Cuba. Opening opportunity for American turkey farmers to export to Cuba, the Cuba Trade Act of 2015 holds promise to grant our producers the freedom to trade with Cuba, while protecting taxpayer interests.  The bill prohibits taxpayer dollars spent for trade promotion and market development, yet private investment would be encouraged to lead the way to the risk and rewards that are the hallmark of free enterprise."

Greater Tampa Area Chamber of Commerce

“Opening trade with the people and businesses of Cuba will create new opportunities for companies in both of our countries to thrive and grow. The Cuba Trade Act is the first step in this process, and is crucial to positioning Tampa as the gateway for goods and services to Cuba.” - Bob Rohrlack, President & CEO, GTACC


"Cuba could be an important market for U.S. farmers and ranchers and we strongly support Mr. Emmer's bill as great first step in creating that opportunity." - Bob Engel, CEO, CoBank

Center for Democracy in the Americas

“CDA commends Congressman Emmer for introducing the bipartisan Cuba Trade Act with Congresswoman Kathy Castor. Like ending the travel ban, opening up the natural markets for trade between our countries will help generate opportunities for the Cuban people and for U.S. businesses to thrive. CDA has been honored to travel to Cuba with both Reps. Emmer and Castor, and we look forward to continuing to build support for important initiatives such as this one.” - Sarah Stephens, Executive Director, CDA

U.S. Agriculture Coalition for Cuba (USACC)

“Ultimately, it’s in the hands of Congress to decide whether we get the chance to trade and invest, or whether we sit on the sidelines while our competitors engage more strategically than we’re able to.” - Devry Boughner Vorwerk, Chair, USACC

Latin America Working Group

“Rep. Emmer has shown foresight and reason in his introduction of the new trade legislation in the House. The ground is shifting under traditional supporters of the embargo on Cuba; it is becoming truly a bipartisan issue, with Republicans taking the lead in both the House and Senate. The American people’s support for a new policy toward Cuba is undeniable. Our policymakers need to catch up to their constituents.” - Mavis Anderson 

North American Meat Institute (NAMI)

"Critically, the legislation would remove the current prohibition against private financing for agricultural sales to Cuba. The Meat Institute looks forward to working with Congress to pass the legislation and begin a new policy of engagement with Cuba that provides new opportunities for increasing trade."

International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA)

"IDFA joins the U.S. Ag Coalition for Cuba in applauding the U.S. House support for ending the embargo. "

Washington Office of Latin America (WOLA)

“The Cuban people have been hurt by the U.S. trade embargo the for decades. Over that long period of time, the policy has not resulted in greater liberty or political progress. In fact, it is clear that the U.S. embargo has been an impediment to development in Cuba. The Cuba Trade Act (H.R. 3238) will end the embargo on Cuba and put U.S.-Cuban relations on a far more productive path. The vast majority of Americans want the embargo lifted. And, increasingly, members of Congress of all political stripes are seeing the benefits of ending fifty years of failed policy.” - Marc Hanson, Senior Associate, WOLA

Arkansas Rice Growers Association

“The Cuba Trade Act will allow farmers in Arkansas to sell more food to Cuba, so of course we support this kind of legislative initiative,” said Greg Yielding, Executive Director of the Arkansas Rice Growers Association. “The embargo on Cuba is counterproductive and costly for American farmers, we are losing sales everyday to countries like Brazil and Vietnam, updating our outdated policy to remove restrictions on trade makes sense. Congressman Emmer deserves credit for taking this issue on.” - Greg Yielding, Executive Director, Arkansas Rice Growers Association

Presbyterian Church (USA)

“Our faith is about building opportunities for reconciliation and justice. Expanding U.S. trade with Cuba will not only improve ties between the two nations, but also help foster positive changes in the economic conditions faced by those who live on the island.” - Rev. Dr. J Herbet Nelson, Director of the Office of Public Witness, Presbyterian Church

Church World Service

“We welcome the current process of normalizing ties between Cuba and the United States.  Yet, more work lies ahead. Lifting the U.S. trade embargo would vastly improve the day-to-day lives of many Cubans. Let that be the next goal. This is a humanitarian issue that CWS will continue to focus on for the sake of our sisters and brothers in Cuba.” - Rev. John L. McCollough, President and CEO, Church World Service

National Tour Association

“NTA supports the Cuba Trade Act of 2015 because it lifts the Cuba embargo, which would be an economic boost to the U.S. travel industry and a benefit to the people of Cuba. Our position aligns NTA with the vast majority of U.S. citizens, 72 percent of whom favor ending the trade embargo. We also support the Senate bill with the same name, along with other legislative items being considered in Congress that would lower barriers to travel and trade with Cuba." - Pam Inman, President, National Tour Association 

U.S. Rice Producers Association (USRPA)

“U.S. rice producers strongly support ending the U.S. embargo on trade with Cuba and applaud efforts by Congressman Emmer to address this important issue. A once-vibrant market for U.S. agricultural goods, Cuba has the potential to once again become a top export market for U.S. rice, representing a 400,000 to 600,000 MT export market under normal commercial trade and travel relations. Of all grains exported by the U.S., rice has been particularly hard-hit by trade restrictions.  Rice producers and the rice industry have paid a high price for our government’s failed policy toward Cuba. We urge Congress to take swift action on H.R. 3238 to lift the trade embargo on Cuba.” – Dwight Roberts, President & CEO, USRPA