Ed Royce

Ed Royce


Rep. Royce Bill Honoring Chinese American WWII Veterans Signed Into Law


WASHINGTON, D.C. — This week, President Trump signed into law bipartisan legislation introduced by Representative Ed Royce (R-CA) the Chinese American World War II Congressional Gold Medal Act, recognizing the dedicated service of Chinese American veterans of World War II and collectively awards them the Congressional Gold Medal.

“The United States remains forever indebted to the bravery and sacrifice that the Chinese American veterans of World War II displayed. From the Flying Tigers, to their service in the Pacific and across Europe—these heroes answered the call of duty when our nation needed them the most and are worthy of recognition. To these brave veterans of World War II, thank you for your sacrifice. We are a grateful nation, and we honor your service by working to build a better world.”


By the start of World War II, more than 100,000 Chinese Americans had made a life for themselves in the U.S. Chinese Americans faced major challenges, including discrimination, due to laws such as the Chinese Exclusion Act, which limited the size of their population and their ability to build thriving communities. Nevertheless, almost 20,000 of these brave men and women served in the armed forces in every theater of battle and every branch of service, earning citations for their heroism and honorable service.

To recognize the dedicated service of Chinese American veterans of World War II, Rep. Royce introduced with Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) the Chinese American World War II Congressional Gold Medal Act in May of 2017. This legislation would collectively award our brave Chinese American World War II veterans the Congressional Gold Medal—the highest honor that Congress can bestow.

Companion legislation (S.1050) was introduced by U.S. Senators Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) and Mazie Hirono (D-HI) and unanimously passed in the Senate on September 14, 2018. 

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Reps. Royce, Velázquez Spearhead Bipartisan Bill to Rein in GSE Lobbying Efforts


WASHINGTON, D.C. — This week, Representatives Ed Royce (R-CA) and Nydia Velázquez (D-NY) introduced the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Lobbying Regulation Act, H.R. 7382, bipartisan legislation aimed at limiting the two government-sponsored entities (GSE) in conservatorship from engaging in any type of lobbying activity.

Following introduction of the bill, Representatives Royce and Velázquez  released the following statements:

“If American taxpayers continue to be on the hook for Fannie and Freddie, then Congress should decide the future of these GSE's, not inside influencers,” said Rep. Royce. “History has shown that Fannie and Freddie's outsized political influence had a hand in creating the housing crisis. We should learn from the mistakes of the past.”

“It has been ten years since Congress placed Fannie and Freddie into conservatorship. I've grown increasingly concerned to hear that senior Fannie and Freddie officials are potentially trying to influence the future direction of the agencies,” said Rep. Velázquez. “I'm proud to join with Rep. Royce to cosponsor this legislation that would clearly and statutorily put an end to this practice. Congress, and Congress alone, should be determining what happens with Fannie and Freddie.” 


The full text of the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Lobbying Regulation Act can be found HERE

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Rep. Royce Bill Honoring Chinese American WWII Veterans Heads to President's Desk


— This week the House unanimously passed bipartisan legislation introduced by Representative Ed Royce (R-CA) the Chinese American World War II Congressional Gold Medal Act, recognizing the dedicated service of Chinese American veterans of World War II and collectively awards them the Congressional Gold Medal. The bill now heads to the President's desk. 

“The United States remains forever indebted to the bravery and sacrifice that the Chinese American veterans of World War II displayed. From the Flying Tigers, to their service in the Pacific and across Europe—these heroes answered the call of duty when our nation needed them the most and are worthy of recognition. To these brave veterans of World War II, thank you for your sacrifice. We are a grateful nation, and we honor your service by working to build a better world.”


By the start of World War II, more than 100,000 Chinese Americans had made a life for themselves in the U.S. Chinese Americans faced major challenges, including discrimination, due to laws such as the Chinese Exclusion Act, which limited the size of their population and their ability to build thriving communities. Nevertheless, almost 20,000 of these brave men and women served in the armed forces in every theater of battle and every branch of service, earning citations for their heroism and honorable service.

To recognize the dedicated service of Chinese American veterans of World War II, Rep. Royce introduced with Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) the Chinese American World War II Congressional Gold Medal Act in May of 2017. This legislation would collectively award our brave Chinese American World War II veterans the Congressional Gold Medal—the highest honor that Congress can bestow.

Companion legislation (S.1050) was introduced by U.S. Senators Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) and Mazie Hirono (D-HI) and unanimously passed in the Senate on September 14, 2018. 

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Rep. Royce Commends DOJ for Expanding Investigation into Discriminatory Admissions Practices against Asian-American Students


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Representative Ed Royce (CA-39), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released the following statement after the the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and Department of Education (DOE) opened an investigation into whether Yale University illegally discriminates against Asian-American applicants:

“The decision by the DOJ to investigate another Ivy League school for discriminatory admissions practices validates the complaint filed by 64 Asian-American associations. This disturbing trend of elite universities exercising admission quotas that unambiguously and systemically limit the admission of Asian-American students is indefensible, improper, and immoral. I applaud the administration for continuing this investigation and protecting Asian-American college applicants against any infringements on their constitutional rights or equal protection under the law.”


In 2015, Rep. Royce spearheaded a letter to the U.S. Department of Education and U.S. Department of Justice requesting the federal government review the complaint filed by 64 Asian-American groups against Harvard University alleging discrimination against Asian-American applicants. That letter can be found HERE

On August 30, 2018, the DOJ filed a legal brief in support of the lawsuit accusing Harvard University of limiting the number of Asian-American students. In filing the Statement of Interest, Attorney General Jeff Sessions provided the following statement: “No American should be denied admission to school because of their race. As a recipient of taxpayer dollars, Harvard has a responsibility to conduct its admissions policy without racial discrimination by using meaningful admissions criteria that meet lawful requirements. The Department of Justice has the responsibility to protect the civil rights of the American people. This case is significant because the admissions policies at our colleges and universities are important and must be conducted lawfully.”

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Rep. Royce Applauds DOJ for Supporting Asian-American Students Suing Harvard over Discriminatory Admissions Practice


WASHINGTON, D.C. — This week, Representative Ed Royce (CA-39), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released the following statement after the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a legal brief in support of a lawsuit accusing Harvard University of limiting the number of Asian-American students it admits:

“As a longtime champion of merit-based college admissions, I commend the Justice Department’s brief critical of Harvard University’s admissions practice in the lawsuit brought by Students for Fair Admissions. The discrimination by elite American universities against Asian-American students is wrong and an offense to our Constitution’s 14th Amendment which offers citizens equal protection under the law. I argued against SCA-5 which would have directed public universities in California to prioritize race during the application process. I led my colleagues in contacting the federal government to urge a swift review of this complaint in 2015. The DOJ’s brief confirms our long held suspicions.”


In 2015, Rep. Royce spearheaded a letter to the U.S. Department of Education and U.S. Department of Justice requesting the federal government review the complaint filed by over 60 Asian-American groups against Harvard University alleging discrimination against Asian-American applicants. That letter can be found HERE

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Rep. Royce to Host 2018 Fall Military Academy Night


WASHINGTON, D.C. — The office of U.S. Representative Ed Royce (R-CA) will host an informational Military Academy Night session on Wednesday September 5, 2018 for young men and women from California's 39th Congressional District interested in attending one of our nation's military academies.

Each year, Rep. Royce has the privilege of nominating local high school students of the highest caliber for admission to the United States Military Academy, United States Naval Academy, United States Air Force Academy, United States Coast Guard Academy, and United States Merchant Marine Academy. The appointment process is rigorous, highly selective, and based on a candidate's academic achievement, athletic ability, extracurricular activities, and community service.

The Military Academy Night gives both students and parents the opportunity to hear from official representatives from the academies as well as Rep. Royce's staff on how to best navigate the application process. Event details are as follows:

What: 2018 Fall Military Academy Night
Location: Buena Park City Hall (Council Chamber)
Address: 6650 Beach Boulevard, Buena Park, CA  90621
Date: Wednesday September 5, 2018
Time: 6:30 PM/PT

This event is free to attend and open to the public. 

RSVP: https://goo.gl/forms/MPBjDzGJxStWIVcy2

Nomination Applications are due by 5:00 PM/PT on September 21, 2018 and can be found here: https://royce.house.gov/uploadedfiles/2018_application_for_congressional_nomination.pdf

Questions regarding the event or military academy nominations from Rep. Royce can be directed to Alison Martin at Alison.Martin@mail.house.gov or (714) 255-0101. 
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Rep. Royce Calls on House to Pass Bipartisan Reforms to Avoid a Lapse of Flood Insurance Program


 Click on the video above to watch Rep. Royce's remarks from the House floor on reforming the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) this past Tuesday. 

— This week, Representative Ed Royce (R-CA) spoke on the House floor in support of bipartisan reforms that will extend the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) which is currently set to lapse on July 31, 2018.

Below is Representative Royce’s statement as prepared for delivery:

“Mr. Speaker, we stand here today doing what we have done 38 times since 1998. Passing an extension of the National Flood Insurance Program without much needed reforms.

This is unacceptable.

Subsidized flood insurance represents a moral hazard. We tell Americans that if you buy flood insurance from Uncle Sam, no matter how many times your house floods, we will give you money to rebuild it. We haven’t worked to decrease moral hazard; rather we have embraced and celebrated it.

We make it more difficult for people to move than rebuild. We fail to encourage communities to mitigate flood risk. And we continue to build in high-risk areas. The clearest sign of moral hazard is the number of repeatedly flooded properties that are rebuilt with little deference to mitigation.

The examples are staggering. A $90,000 home in Missouri flooded 34 times at a cost of more than $600,000. A $56,000 home in Louisiana flooded more than 40 times at a cost of $430,000. And a $72,000 home in Texas – that flooded again last year – costing taxpayers over $1 million in payouts.

They have another word for this, Mr. Speaker, ‘insanity.’

I came to the Floor, today, hoping to support a bill, Mr. Blumenauer and I authored, that would have extended the flood program with – what the Wall Street Journal called – ‘de minimis policy changes… that have broad bipartisan support.’ Reforms that would address the fact, outlined by the Journal, that ‘Fewer than 2% of five million policies have absorbed more than $8 billion in payments.’

That is not the bill before us. Unfortunately, I oppose this ‘can-kicking’ exercise and urge my colleagues to do the same.”

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Rep. Royce Questions Fed Chair Powell on Housing Finance Reform and Money Market Funds


 Click on the video above to watch Rep. Royce's remarks during Wednesday's Financial Services Committee Hearing with Jerome Powell, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — This week, Representative Ed Royce (R-CA) participated in a House Financial Services Committee Hearing Entitled “Monetary Policy and the State of the Economy.” During the hearing, Rep. Royce questioned Jerome Powell, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, about housing finance reform as well as proposed changes to the $2.8 trillion money market mutual fund industry. 

Key excerpts:

Rep. Royce: Chairman Powell, housing finance reform remains the great undone work of the financial crisis.You have previously called for reform stating that “we need to move to a system that attracts ample amounts of private capital to stand between housing sector credit risk and taxpayers. A nationalized mortgage market is an unsustainable status quo. Sadly, the situation we find ourselves in today was a predictable one. In 2003, I introduced legislation, and again in 2005, in the form of an amendment, which would have reigned in the GSEs, allowing them to be regulated for systemic risk. Then Fed Chairman Greenspan backed the amendment. But it was not enough to overcome the outsized political pressure brought by the GSEs themselves. To be fair, you said, last summer, that this is not a normal issue on which the Fed would comment, but that we are in a “now or never moment” for reform as there is “not a current risk” with a healthy economy and housing system. How long will this “now or never moment” last and what are the consequences of inaction?

Chairman Powell: I think now continues to be a good time to move forward on this [being] one of the big pieces of unfinished business from the crisis. It is unsustainable to have the U.S. housing finance system on the government’s books for the long run. It’s not healthy. We are going to need to address this. I assume we will at some point, the sooner the better.  

Rep. Royce: Let me ask you another question on this front. Chairman Greenspan often commented on the role of the GSEs in our economy. In 2004, in testimony before the Senate he said: “…Concerns about systemic risk are appropriately focused on large, highly leveraged financial institutions such as the GSEs… to fend off possible future systemic difficulties, which we assess as likely if GSE expansion continues unabated, preventive actions are required sooner rather than later.” Ominous words, no doubt. Today, pressure is being brought on the Administration to release the GSEs out of conservatorship. Although I oppose this move, absent Congressional action – I am hopeful that if this were to occur, there is no doubt, today, that Fannie & Freddie, given their size and role in the housing market, would be regulated as systemically important. Do you share this view?

Chairman Powell: The form in which this reform takes place will of course be up to you, not to us and is not in our lane. I would say that I really hope that these institutions would not be systemically important at some point. I would think that when we figure out a process where they can be moved off the balance sheet, the idea would be that they would not present systemic risk, ideally.

Rep. Royce: Let me move to another question Chairman Powell. Earlier this year, this Committee passed legislation that would reverse a previous SEC rule requiring that certain money market funds float the NAV. I certainly remember when the Reserve Fund “broke the buck” in 2008 – and the massive backstop the U.S. taxpayers provided to restart the entire market. The fact is that the value of the underlying assets of these products fluctuate. They go up and down. As I said in opposition to the bill at the time, if we learned anything from the financial crisis, it should be that price should reflect risk. While understanding this is the primary jurisdiction of the SEC, and Chairman Clayton has already expressed his concerns. I was hoping, as a member of the FSOC and someone uniquely positioned to comment on macro financial stability, that you could comment on any concerns with this potential move?

Powell answer: I very much share your concerns. This was one of the many critical weakness identified in our financial system during the crisis. We worked hard to address it; I think successfully to some extent and I would not like to see that undone.

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Reps. Royce, Blumenauer Introduce Legislative Package Extending and Enhancing National Flood Insurance Program


WASHINGTON, D.C. — This week, Representatives Ed Royce (R-CA) and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) introduced the NFIP Extension and Enhanced Consumer and Community Protections Act of 2018 (H.R. 6402) — a bipartisan package of eight bills from the House Financial Services Committee to reform and extend the National Flood Insurance Program through November 30, 2018.

H.R. 6402 includes common sense reforms to NFIP that ensure flood protections to those who need it while improving flood mapping and mitigation efforts that have previously passed the House with overwhelming support. Following introduction of the bill, Representatives Royce and Blumenauer released the following statements:

“As we near the peak of the 2018 hurricane season, it is vital for Congress to extend flood protections to millions of homeowners,” said Rep. Royce. “H.R. 6402 takes bold action that will steer NFIP towards a sustainable path by modernizing flood risk assessments and reducing the burden of repetitive loss properties.”

“The current flood insurance program keeps communities in harm’s way and costs taxpayers billions of dollars in the process.” said Rep. Blumenauer. “This bill is a small but important step toward much-needed reform of this troubled, fiscally irresponsible program. Congress should pass this legislation, but it can’t stop there.”


The full text of the NFIP Extension and Enhanced Consumer and Community Protections Act can be found HERE. NFIP is currently set to expire on July 31, 2018.

A section by section summary can be found HERE and copied below:

Sec. 1: Short title: NFIP Extension and Enhanced Consumer and Community Protections Act of 2018

Sec. 2: Extension of NFIP through November 30, 2018

Sec. 3: Repeatedly Flooded Communities Preparation Act
(Royce-Blumenauer/ Crapo-Brown)
Requires FEMA to have communities (1) identify the areas within the community subject to repeated flooding; (2) develop a community-specific plan for mitigating those repetitive risks and submit it to FEMA; (3) implement the plan; and (4) make the plan available to the public.
Votes: Passed the FSC as HR 1558 by voice vote; CBO = $0
Leg Text: Sec. 402 of HR 2874 (Duffy)  ||  Sec. 101 of S. 1571 (Crapo-Brown)

Sec. 4: Enhanced Increased Cost of Compliance coverage (Velazquez /Crapo-Brown)
Authorizes the FEMA Administrator to supplement its existing Increase Cost of Compliance (ICC) program (which is typically mandatory for many policyholders) coverage of up to $30,000 with the option of allowing policyholders to purchase additional enhanced ICC coverage up to $100,000, as priced accordingly by NFIP.
Votes: Similar provision passed the FSC as part of HR 2875 by 58-0; CBO =$0
Leg Text: Sec. 103 of S. 1571 (Crapo-Brown)  ||  Similar provision in Sec. 403 of HR 2874 (Duffy)

Sec. 5: Monthly Installments for Premiums (David Scott-Duffy)
Requires FEMA to allow policyholders to pay their premiums in monthly installments.
Votes: Passed the FSC as an amendment to HR 1558 by voice vote; CBO =$0
Leg Text: Sec. 106 of HR 2874 (Duffy)

Sec. 6: Premium rates for Certain Mitigated Properties (Zeldin/Crapo-Brown)
Authorizes FEMA to provide with credits when they use mitigation efforts required for buildings in dense urban environments.
Votes: Passed the FSC as part of HR 2868 by 53-0; CBO =$0
Leg Text: Sec. 113 of HR 2874 (Duffy)  ||  similar provision in Sec. 103 of S. 1571 (Crapo-Brown)

Sec 7: Maximizing CRS Credits for Communities (LoBiondo)
Requires FEMA to provide communities that have joined its Community Rating System program with appropriate credits for measures that protect natural and beneficial floodplain functions. 
Votes: Passed the FSC as part of HR 2874 by 30-26; CBO = $0
Leg Text: Sec. 401 of HR 2874 (Duffy)

Sec. 8: Studies on Participation Rates (Duffy/Crapo-Brown)
Requires FEMA, GAO, and bank regulators to report on NFIP participation rates for individuals subject to its mandatory purchase requirement.
Votes: Not marked up by FSC; estimated CBO = $0
Leg Text: Sec. 513 of HR 2874 (Duffy) and Sec. 503 of S. 1571 (Crapo-Brown)

Sec. 9: Disclosure of Flood Risk Information to Property Owners (Royce/Crapo-Brown)
Requires as a condition of NFIP insurance that the seller of a property disclose in writing the prior flood damage and flood insurance claims to that property, any NFIP designation as a Repetitive Loss or Severe Repetitive Loss Property, and the property mandatory purchase status.
Votes: Passed the FSC as part of an amendment to HR 2874 by voice vote; CBO = $0
Leg Text: Sec. 109 of HR 2874 (Duffy)  ||  Sec. 105 of S. 1571 (Crapo-Brown)

Sec. 10: Study on FEMA Buy-Out Program (Blumenauer-Sanford/Schatz-Scott)
Requires GAO to conduct a study of the FEMA’s flood loss buyout program, including the efficacy of current practices and ways to streamline the program to provide more timely assistance in the future.
Votes: Passed T&I by voice vote and the House Floor on voice; CBO = $0
Leg Text: H.R.5846 (Blumenauer-Sanford) ||  S. 2862 (Schatz-Scott)

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Royce Voices Opposition to Unconstitutional, Anti-Competitive Insurance Legislation


WASHINGTON, D.C. — With the House poised to pass the International Insurance Standards Act of 2017 (H.R. 4537) on the suspension calendar this week, U.S. Representative Ed Royce (R-CA) issued the following statement:

“This bill is not only unconstitutional but anti-competitive; hampering our ability to represent U.S. interests in international fora. Supporters of this bill, including many State regulators represented by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, appear more interested in winning an imaginary turf war than acting in the best interests of U.S. consumers. Fifty-plus State regulators and their trade association simply do not have the authority or capacity to engage in international negotiations in a global economy.

“We cannot forget that the Federal Insurance Office was created by Congress to, among other responsibilities, ensure a strong, consistent, dedicated U.S. voice in international insurance arenas. Congress should be looking to build on the recent success of the first covered agreement. H.R. 4537 does the opposite; undermining our ability to work and act together internationally to promote and defend the U.S. system of insurance regulation. If chaos and confusion is the goal, we have achieved it.”


On March 5, 2018, Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd sent the Committee on Financial Services Chairman, Jeb Hensarling, a memo detailing a number of provisions in H.R. 4537 that “raise constitutional concerns.” These concerns, according to the Department of Justice, would “contravene the president’s exclusive authority over the conduct of diplomatic relations.” 

Click here to read the full memo. 

The White House included similar concerns in the May 24, 2018 signing statement accompanying S.2155, the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act saying: “These directives contravene my exclusive constitutional authority to determine the time, scope, and objectives of international negotiations.”

On December 13, 2017, Rep. Royce joined three of his Democratic colleagues in bipartisan opposition to H.R. 4537 when the bill was considered by the House Financial Services Committee. 

This week, two major insurance organizations, the American Council of Life Insurers and the Reinsurance Association of America, issued statements in opposition to H.R. 4537 saying, “if enacted, the bill would hinder the U.S. industry’s ability to compete internationally and protect itself from future threats.” 

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Free CA-39 Grant Seminar


Free Grant Seminar For Nonprofit Organizations

Hosted by the Office of Representative Ed Royce (CA-39)

in conjunction with CSUF’s Gianneschi Nonprofit Summer School

Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Time: 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Location: California State University, Fullerton Mihaylo College of Business and Economics, SGMH 1406
2550 Nutwood Ave. Fullerton, CA 92831

Parking and Directions here.

R.S.V.P. required here.

 Grant Readiness
 Proposal Writing
 Programs for Nonprofit Organizations
 Grant Assistance from Representative Ed Royce

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2016 Congressional STEM Competition


U.S. Representative Ed Royce (CA-39) invites you to attend the:

Congressional App Challenge STEM Competition
2016 Exhibit and Awards Ceremony

Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Time: 7 PM PST
Location: Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum
Address: 18001 Yorba Linda Blvd., Yorba Linda, CA 92886

- Discover the winners of the 2016 STEM Competition
- View innovative mobile apps created by CA-39's brightest minds

Featured speakers include:

Marc Fischer, CEO and Co-Founder of Dogtown Media
LTC Dennis Sugrue, L.A. Deputy Commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Tom Ward, CTO of MEDL Mobile

Competition judges include:

Nanxi Liu, CEO and co-founder of Enplug, Inc.
Simon Evans, professional civil engineer and certified floodplain manager
Dr. Keun-Hang Susan Yang, Ph.D, Director of International Science Programs and Professor of Computational Biology/Neuroscience and Bioscience at Chapman University
Laurie Smith, Program Manager at Science@OC
Chi Ni, Founder of Straight A, Inc.

RSVP to Stephanie Hu at Stephanie.Hu@mail.house.gov or (626) 964-5123. More event details can be found here.


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Rep. Royce's 7th Annual Women's Conference


On Saturday, March 28th, 2015, U.S. Representative Ed Royce will hold his 7th Annual Women's Conference. Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will keynote the conference this year. In addition to the keynote speech, the conference will feature breakout sessions on topics such as personal finance, healthy living and cyber safety.

Held at California State University, Fullerton's Titan Student Union (800 North State College Blvd, Fullerton, CA 92834), the event begins at 9:00am and is free to attend. Registration opens at 8:00am, and attendees must first visit Royce.house.gov/womensconference to RSVP.

Questions? Comments? Please contact Rep. Royce's Brea office at 714-255-0101 or email him here. Read More

Join MIT App Inventor team webinar and get started in the House Student App Challenge


MIT's App Inventor team is collaborating with the Congressional App Challenge Coalition and Samsung to offer a special hour-long webinar for any middle and high school students from across the country who want to learn how to build an Android app with MIT App Inventor. The Webinar will take place on Monday, April 7, 2014 from 7:00 – 8:00 PM ET. Anyone who wants to learn to code, as well as students who want to apply these skills to enter Rep. Royce's 2014 House Student App Challenge, are encouraged to participate. 

Webinar participants will learn how MIT App Inventor can help you design, build, and submit an Android app just in time for the April 30th STEM Competition deadline!

Students entering the competition must submit their app’s source code online during the Competition Submission Period between 12 PM Eastern Standard Time on FEBRUARY 1ST, 2014, and 11:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time on APRIL 30TH, 2014, as well as provide a YouTube or VIMEO video demo explaining their app and what they learned through this competition process. Learn more about Rep. Royce's 2014 STEM Competition here or by following #2014RoyceSTEM on Facebook and Twitter. You can also download the Rep. Royce STEM Competition mobile app, available for free in the iTunes store (Android version coming soon).

Watch the Congressional App Challenge Coalition Webinar at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvOKpJ5mvNs&feature=share Read More

Paying for College Seminar


U.S. Representative Ed Royce (R-Fullerton) will hold a "Paying for College" seminar on January 25, 2014 from 12pm - 3pm at the South Coast Air Quality Management District (Room GB, 21865 Copley Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765). This free workshop will help students and their families prepare, apply and pay for higher education. Rebekah Bell, whose opinion piece "It's Possible to Graduate Debt-Free. Here's How" appeared in the Wall Street Journal, will be the keynote speaker. 

Additionally, the seminar will provide information about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) program, including on-site reviews of FAFSA forms, as well as other federal and private student loans, grants, and alternative financing options.  Representatives from local colleges, including UCLA and USC, will also be available to speak with students and their families.

Schools Attending Rep. Royce's Paying for College Seminar:
  • UC Los Angeles
  • UC Riverside
  • UC Irvine
  • CalTech
  • USC
  • Pomona College
  • Cal Poly Pomona
  • Cal State Fullerton
  • Cal State Los Angeles
  • Saddleback College
  • Hope International University
  • Chapman University
  • Biola University
  • Cerritos College
  • Devry University 
  • Mt. SAC
  • Fullerton College
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Chairman Royce Announces Southern California Field Hearing on Human Trafficking


On Monday, November 4th, Rep. Ed Royce, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, will hold the Committee’s first field hearing to examine international human trafficking and to assess efforts to combat trafficking at the international, Federal, State and local levels.  The hearing, entitled “Regional Perspectives in the Global Fight Against Human Trafficking,” will begin at 10:00 a.m. PT will be held in the Titan Student Union building on the campus of California State University, Fullerton.

Note: Earlier this year, Chairman Royce launched a Human Trafficking Congressional Advisory Committee (HTCAC), which is comprised of victims’ rights groups, local and federal law enforcement agencies, and community advocates.  HTCAC meets on a monthly basis to address human trafficking concerns, as well as offer policy recommendations.  In May, Chairman Royce convened a Committee hearing to examine local and private sector initiatives to combat international human trafficking. 

Hearing: “Regional Perspectives in the Global Fight Against Human Trafficking”

California State University, Fullerton
Titan Student Union
800 N. State College Blvd.
Fullerton, CA 92834
For a campus map and parking information click HERE.

Monday, November 4, 2013
10:00 a.m. PT

Witness List:
Panel I
The Honorable Luis CdeBaca
Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons
U.S. Department of State

Panel II
The Honorable Tony Rackauckas
District Attorney
Office of the Orange County District Attorney 

Ms. Kay Buck
Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer
Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking 

*Witnesses may be added.

***Important planning note for press covering hearing: 

The hearing will be webcast at www.foreignaffairs.house.gov

Members of the media must RSVP by Friday, November 1 at 12 p.m. to Audra McGeorge at audra.mcgeorge@mail.house.gov to receive credentials to cover the hearing from the press viewing area.

Following the hearing, there will be a media availability to discuss human trafficking.

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Royce and City of Buena Park to Host Paying for College Seminar


U.S. Representative Ed Royce will hold a "Paying for College" seminar in conjunction with the City of Buena Park. The event will take place on Sunday, November 3rd from 12pm – 4pm at the Buena Park Community Center (6688 Beach Boulevard, Buena Park) and is free to attend.

The event will feature Keynote speaker Rebekah Bell whose opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal on how she graduated from college debt-free offered important advice to students on avoiding crushing student loan debt. Additionally, the seminar will provide information about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) program as well as other federal and private student loans, grants, and other financing options. 


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Rep. Royce's Staff to Hold Mobile Office Hours


A member of Rep. Ed Royce's staff will be available for mobile office hours on Thursday, October 3rd in the Red Tailed Hawk Room in the City Clerk’s Office at Chino Hills City Hall (14000 City Center Dr.). Mobile office hours provide an opportunity for constituents to meet with Rep. Royce and his staff members for assistance with a variety of services and issues. Office hours on Thursday, October 3rd will be held from 9:00am - 4:00pm. Please call (909) 420-0010 with any questions. 

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City of Brea 34th Annual Country Fair


The City of Brea will host its 34th Annual Country Fair on July 4th, 2013. The event will begin with a Pancake Breakfast at 7 am and festivities, including games, rides and live entertainment, will continue to 4 pm. Admission is free and the event will take place at City Hall Park (401 S. Brea Blvd.). Visit http://www.cityofbrea.net/article.cfm?id=3231 for more information. 

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Chino Hills 21st Annual Old-Fashioned 4th of July Picnic


Chino Hills will host its 21st Annual Old Fashioned 4th of July Picnic on July 4, 2013 from 10am to 2pm. The event will take place at Big League Dreams Chino Hills Sports Park (16333 Fairfield Ranch Road) and will include food eating contests, face painting, a rock climbing wall and water slides. Visit http://www.chinohills.org/index.aspx?nid=804 for more information. 
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Rep. Ed Royce Honors Sara Catalan, Deputy Chief of Staff

2018-07-26 19:18:43

Royce Calls on House to Pass Bipartisan Reforms to Avoid a Lapse of Flood Insurance Program

2018-07-25 14:00:36

Rep. Royce Questions FED Chairman Jay Powell on Monetary Policy

2018-07-18 20:58:48

Rep. Royce Questions Treasury Secretary Mnuchin during Financial Services Hearing

2018-07-12 19:06:16

Rep. Royce Questions Randal Quarles, Vice Chairman for Supervision

2018-04-18 18:24:19

Rep. Royce Testimony in Support of the Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act

2018-04-17 20:22:34

Rep. Royce Questions Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell

2018-02-27 19:04:52

Rep. Rep. Royce Discusses Credit Risk Transfers with Treasury Secretary Munucin

2018-02-06 22:05:22

Rep. Royce Speaks on the House Floor in Support of 21st Century Flood Reform Act

2017-11-14 22:08:28

Rep. Royce at House Financial Services Committee Hearing - 11/8/2017

2017-11-08 23:36:36

Rep. Royce at House Financial Services Committee Hearing - 11/7/2017

2017-11-07 23:04:48

Rep. Ed Royce Honors Filipino Veterans of World War II at Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony

2017-10-25 19:39:28

Rep. Royce Discusses Federal Housing Reforms with HUD Secretary Ben Carson

2017-10-12 18:28:38

Farewell to Korean Ambassador Ahn

2017-10-06 23:24:23

Taiwan’s 106th National Day

2017-10-06 23:25:11

Rep. Royce questioning U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin

2017-07-27 16:11:13

Rep. Royce Congratulates CSUF Baseball Team on Making it Back to the College World Series

2017-06-16 19:51:33

Rep. Royce Speaking in Favor of the Financial CHOICE Act on the House Floor

2017-06-08 19:19:24

Rep. Royce Pushes Flood Insurance Transparency and Taxpayer Accountability, 3/16/17

2017-03-16 19:32:06

Rep. Royce Highlights Need for Flood Risk Mitigation and Transparency, 3/9/2017

2017-03-09 17:08:02

Contact Information

2185 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone 202-225-4111
Fax 202-226-0335

Committee Assignments

Foreign Affairs

U.S. Representative Ed Royce (R) is serving his eleventh term in Congress representing Southern California’s 39th District, based in Orange, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino Counties. He and his wife, Marie, are longtime residents of Fullerton, CA.

Royce’s priorities in Congress are: addressing our national debt, protecting our homeland, eliminating pork-barrel spending, fighting crime and supporting victims of crime, strengthening education for all students, spurring job creation and strengthening Social Security and Medicare.

Royce has a strong history of public service. In 1982, he was elected to the California State Senate where he began his fight for victims’ rights. He authored the nation’s first anti-stalker law and versions of his bill have been adopted in all 50 states. He was also the legislative author and campaign co-chairman of California’s Proposition 115, the Crime Victims/Speedy Trial Initiative, approved by the voters in 1990. In Congress, Royce continues his fight for victims’ rights. He wrote and passed the Interstate Stalking Punishment and Prevention Act in 1996. This law makes it a federal crime to pursue a victim across state lines and enables law enforcement to intervene before violence occurs. Royce was active in passing AMBER Alert legislation in 2003, and legislation in 2004 to enhance rights for victims of crime. He currently is a member of the Victim’s Rights Caucus.

For the 113th Congress, Royce was selected to be Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Royce has served on the Committee since entering Congress in 1993. Immediately prior to becoming Chairman of the Committee, Royce served as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade and a member of the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific.

As a senior member of the House Financial Services Committee, Royce sits on two Subcommittees: Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises, and Insurance and Housing. Royce has served on the conference committees for some of the most significant legislation in the financial services arena. For more than a decade Royce has called for a stronger federal regulator to limit Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s excessive risk taking at the expense of taxpayers. In 2003, he was the first member of Congress to write legislation calling for a single regulator under the Treasury Department for the three housing government sponsored enterprises: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the twelve Federal Home Loan Banks.

Royce has consistently earned honors and awards from the National Taxpayers Union, Citizens Against Government Waste, National Federation of Independent Businesses, Watchdogs of the Treasury, Americans for Tax Reform, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, United Seniors Association, 60 Plus, American Share Holders Association, Citizens for a Sound Economy and the Small Business Survival Committee.

A California native, Royce is a graduate of California State University, Fullerton, School of Business Administration. Prior to entering public service, his professional background includes experience as a small business owner, a controller, a capital projects manager, and a corporate tax manager for a Southern California company. Royce and his wife, Marie, have been married for 28 years.

Serving With

Doug LaMalfa


Tom McClintock


Paul Cook


Jeff Denham


David Valadao


Devin Nunes


Kevin McCarthy


Steve Knight


Ken Calvert


Mimi Walters


Dana Rohrabacher


Darrell Issa


Duncan Hunter


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