Peter King

Peter King


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Congressman Pete King Discusses Latest on N. Korea Talks

2018-06-05 19:22:46

Congressman Pete King Defends Release of Intelligence Committee Memo

2018-02-01 18:00:22

Rep. Pete King Discusses Zadroga Act

2015-12-14 16:03:54

Congressman Pete King Discusses Consequences of Pope Francis Visit

2015-09-24 18:51:56

Rep. Pete King Supports Cybersecurity Legislation on House Floor

2015-04-22 17:13:33

Congressman Pete King Reacts to Queens Terrorist's LI Mosque Link

2015-04-04 16:02:17

Rep. Pete King Reacts to ISIS Calling for Execution on U.S. Military in United States

2015-03-23 13:30:46

Rep. Pete King on How NYC Mayor de Blasio & NYPD Can Move Forward

2014-12-31 17:22:19

Rep. Pete King Speaks In Support of Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA)

2014-12-10 22:24:30

Rep. Pete King Questions DHS Sec. Johnson on Pres. Obama Immigration Executive Order

2014-12-02 18:28:00

Rep. Pete King Discusses Ferguson Grand Jury Decision

2014-11-25 16:20:22

Rep. Pete King Discusses President Obama Executive Order on Immigration Reform

2014-11-21 15:01:31

Rep. King Discusses Why All Travel to U.S. Should Be Banned Until Ebola Under Control

2014-10-17 15:03:16

Rep. Pete King Discusses Combating ISIS on House Floor

2014-09-17 14:16:51

Evaluating Current Terror Threat in New York

2014-09-11 19:14:06

Rep. Pete King On 13th Anniversary of 9/11/01

2014-09-11 16:25:49

Rep. Pete King Discusses Situations in Gaza & Russia

2014-07-28 14:37:10

Rep. Pete King Says U.S. Must Support Israel

2014-07-23 16:35:12

Rep. Pete King Defends Israel's Right to Retaliate

2014-07-02 18:49:44

Rep. Pete King Discusses Latest Terror Threats to United States

2014-07-01 13:26:33

Contact Information

339 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone 202-225-7896
Fax 202-226-2279

Committee Assignments

Financial Services

Homeland Security

Congressman Peter T. King, a Republican, is serving his eleventh term in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Rep. King is a member of the Homeland Security Committee and Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence. He also serves on the Financial Services Committee and Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Congressman King, who previously served as Chairman of the Committee in 2005-2006 and again in 2011-2012, has been a leader in the ongoing effort to have Homeland Security funding based on threat analysis and is a strong supporter of the war against international terrorism, both at home and abroad. As Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, he stood up to the pressure from special interest groups and the media to hold a series of hearings on Islamic radicalization. Chairman King led the fight to continue funding to the Secure the Cities Program to protect the New York-Long Island region from nuclear dirty bomb attacks.

During his years in Congress, Rep. King has attained a reputation for being well-informed and independent. Following the ravages of Superstorm Sandy, Rep. King led the successful fight in Congress to obtain $60.4 billion in emergency funding for the victims of the storm. Even Newsday has admitted that Congressman King is a “stand-up guy who isn’t shy about tangling with the powerful, even those in his own party. King has become a national figure who delivers for the region and his district.”

Rep. King is a strong supporter of our military and has fought hard to bring veterans’ benefits into the 21st century. Congressman King is also a strong supporter of funding to combat deadly illnesses such as breast cancer and prostate cancer. He has also received the AARP’s Legislative Leadership Award for combating elder abuse and exploitation.

Prior to serving in Congress, Pete King was elected to three terms as the Comptroller of Nassau County. Before serving in county government, Rep. King had extensive experience as a practicing attorney and civic leader. He began his political career in November 1977 by winning election to the Hempstead Town Council. Rep. King is also a member of the Knights of Pythias.

Pete King was born on April 5, 1944 in Manhattan and was raised in Queens. He is a graduate of St. Francis College, Brooklyn, and the University of Notre Dame Law School. He is a lifelong resident of New York and has lived in Nassau County for more than 40 years. Rep. King and his wife, Rosemary, reside in Seaford. They have two adult children and two grandchildren.

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