Roger Marshall

Roger Marshall


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Contact Information

Washington, DC 20515
Phone 202-225-2715
Fax 202-22

Dr. Roger Marshall, Congressman for Kansas’ Big 1st District, is a physician, and devoted father and husband. He and his wife, Laina, have been married for 32 years and are the parents of four children and grandparents to one. As a physician, Dr. Marshall has delivered more than 5000 babies, giving him a deep appreciation for the sanctity of life, and an intimate understanding of the healthcare system.

Marshall graduated from Kansas State University with an undergraduate degree in biochemistry before attending University of Kansas Medical School. He received his Medical Doctorate in 1987 and moved on to his residency in St. Petersburg Florida. In his final year of residency, he was not only named Teacher of the Year by all other residents and faculty, but also received the Resident Research Award. Following his residency, he returned to Kansas where he began his practice in Great Bend.

Coming to Congress to represent Kansas’ 1st District, Dr. Marshall will utilize his depth of medical and family experience, and much more. He brings seven years of Army Reserve experience, where he helped train a mobile hospital support unit and rose to the rank of Captain. His life began on a Kansas farm, and and he preserves his deep agricultural appreciation and understanding through participating in a cattle feeding operation.

Community has been a pillar of Marshall’s life, and is a focus to this day. He is a board member of Farmer’s Bank and Trust, the community bank that has served central Kansas for 100 years. He has been an Elder, Deacon, and twice board chair of his church. He has also coached in his community youth sports programs, and spends as much time as possible at Quivera National Wildlife Refuge and Cheyenne Bottoms.

In Congress, Dr. Marshall serves on the House Ag Committee, the Committee on Science, Space and Technology, and the House Small Business Committee.

Serving With

Lynn Jenkins


Kevin Yoder


Ron Estes