
I am a strong, life-long supporter of the Second Amendment and the protection of law-abiding citizens’ right to keep and bear arms. Along with the rights of free speech and free exercise of religion, the Founding Fathers believed the Second Amendment was important enough that it warranted inclusion in the Bill of Rights, and held that this right was the personal and fundamental right of all citizens. Like many Central Washingtonians, I grew up responsibly exercising my constitutional right to bear arms, and I am a longstanding advocate for the protection of those rights. During my time in the Washington State Legislature, I received an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA) and I have continued my ardent support of the Second Amendment since coming to the United States Congress. Law-abiding citizens should not have to fear the federal government regulating their firearms out of existence and Congress must remain on the watch for any efforts to infringe on our Second Amendment rights. I opposed the Obama Administration’s recent backdoor attempt to restrict the Second Amendment by banning popular rifle ammunition. As your Congressman, I will remain a staunch defender of the Second Amendment and oppose any attempts to encroach on your right to bear arms.