
Health Care

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Beginning with her service as Chair of the San Mateo County General Hospital Board of Directors during her tenure on the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, Rep. Eshoo has worked tirelessly throughout her public service on health care issues that affect her District and the country. As a senior member of the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee and as a member of the Health Subcommittee, she helped draft portions of the Affordable Care Act to provide comprehensive, affordable health insurance to all Americans, and continues to work on the implementation of the law.

Through her work on eliminating lifetime insurance caps, strengthening the safety of our food supply, improving healthcare for children, championing a breakthrough research, and making prescription drugs more affordable, Rep. Eshoo has been a leader in the field of health policy.

Rep. Eshoo leads the Arthritis Caucus, the Medical Technology Caucus, and the Congressional Caucus on the Deadliest Cancers.

21st Century Cures, the FDA and the NIH

Rep. Eshoo believes strongly that our country needs a 21st century commitment to biomedical research and is proud to support increases to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) budgets to save and extend lives,...

Prescription Drug Affordability

Congresswoman Eshoo, a senior member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, is guided by three things when considering drug policy: safety, affordability, and innovation. She has called for hearings on the soaring costs of prescription drugs; pushed...

The Affordable Care Act

Nearly a century passed after President Teddy Roosevelt first called for health care reform in our country and when the President signed the Affordable Care Act into law. As costs went up, more and more Americans were without insurance– they simply c...

Making Health Care Affordable for Americans Living in High-Cost Regions

While the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has made remarkable progress toward ensuring that all Americans have access to health insurance, the cost of insurance can still be a struggle for those living in high-cost areas, such as Silicon Valley. The ACA...


Rep. Eshoo supports Medicare and has fought hard to protect it during her entire service in Congress. Medicare is a federal health insurance program that extends health coverage Americans aged 65 or older, as well as disabled Americans of any age. Medicare...


Rep. Eshoo is long-time champion of Medicaid, called Medi-Cal in California, one of our nation’s most important health insurance programs for low-income and disabled Americans. It covers hospital, physician, clinic, nursing home, prescription d...

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