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Jul 27, 2018

Since taking office, President Trump and Congressional Republicans have pursued a set of fiscal policies that are in direct conflict with the needs and priorities of the American people.


Sabotaging Health Care

President Trump and Congressional Republicans have launched a persistent assault on Americans’ health care.

The ACA repeal bill passed this Congress by House Republicans would erase the historic gains in coverage under the ACA.

After that bill failed, Republicans continued to pursue policies that increase costs and weaken protection for consumers with pre-existing conditions.

Now their Republican budget resolution tries – again – to repeal the ACA outright, while also making devastating cuts to health security programs relied on by the American people.


Abandoning the Middle Class to Prop up Millionaires and Corporations

The recently enacted GOP tax scam gives millionaires and corporations even more of a leg up.

Meanwhile, working families are left behind.

As enacted, the law will increase the deficit by more than $1.9 trillion, with most of the benefits going to the top one percent. Despite the costs, Republicans remain committed to their plan to extend these cuts, which will further increase our deficits.


Next Up: Target Programs American Families Rely On

After passing their trillion-dollar tax scam to benefit wealthy CEOs, Republicans are now predictably and hypocritically complaining about the dangers of deficits.

They remain committed to their 3-step plan that pays for their tax scam by pursuing massive cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, education and other top priorities for American families.

Democrats plan to address the long-term budget challenge posed by an aging population in a responsible way that balances smart savings with the need to invest in our future. Congressional GOP plans that only cut spending are not the answer. Revenues — ensuring millionaires and corporations pay their fair share of taxes — must be part of the equation.

Democrats believe we should invest in America’s future by stabilizing our fiscal outlook and providing vital investments in our economy and our families.