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Enzi responds to constituent concerns about Eric Holders seizing press records, backroom debt ceiling increase

New video: Collecting Common Sense from Wyoming for Washington

June 6, 2013

Washington, D.C. – Eric Holder and the Department of Justice secretly seizing press records and a possible backroom debt ceiling increase are the subject of a new video that U.S. Senator Mike, R-Wyo., recorded this week. The video addresses questions and comments Wyoming constituents sent him during the past couple weeks concerning these issues and were selected from Facebook and Twitter, in phone calls to his D.C. and Wyoming offices, and in email and written letters.

Calls for Eric Holder’s resignation

“I think the Attorney General should resign. The American people lost confidence in him a long time ago. Fast and Furious was one of those times. I didn’t believe Eric Holder was the right person for the job to begin with and I voted against his confirmation in 2009.”

“He’s making the Department of Justice the Department of Injustice. Those in high levels of power should not be exempt from the consequences of their actions.”

Possible backroom debt ceiling increase

“I’ve been saying for a long time that we need to stop deal making and start legislating. There is a process for doing that and we need to do it in regular order.”

“One of the things that is worrying people is that there might be a debt ceiling hike or tax increase in there. In a conference committee, both sides would have to agree for those to be in there. The House is controlled by Republicans, the Senate is controlled by Democrats. I know the Republican members would not allow a backroom deal on an increase in the debt limit or increases in tax rates.”

“I do think it’s time to take the credit cards away and stop the spending.”

“How would you like to have a balanced budget in 2 years? My Penny Plan would do that. That’s where America needs to be. Otherwise the interest rates are going to go up so significantly that we’re not going to be able to afford anything except interest on the debt. We need to start bringing that debt down.”            

Senator Enzi records “Collecting Common Sense from Wyoming for Washington” videos every other week when the Senate is in session. He encourages Wyoming residents to continue sharing their thoughts, ideas, and questions and he will address as many of the topics as possible.  For individual responses, constituents should email him through his web page –

Click here to download the audio.

Click here to download the video.