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Senate gun control votes coming today

Enzi speaks against infringement of constitutional rights

April 17, 2013

The full Senate is set to vote today on some of the most ambitious gun control measures seen in the last 20 years.   U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., said that this is no ordinary debate because the issue is about a basic and fundamental constitutional right.   

“The Senate will be voting on proposals that affect rights not created by law but ones recognized by our Constitution,” Enzi said.  “Therefore it should be no surprise that so many of my Wyoming constituents have called on me to oppose any legislation that places additional restrictions on the freedoms they enjoy and use daily.”

Enzi said unlike some other areas of the country, Wyoming is a state of gun owners.

“Many of my colleagues in other states may not realize or care what Second Amendment freedoms mean to Wyoming, but they are part of our way of life,” Enzi said.  “The underlying bill the Senate is debating would restrict that right in many areas and would only make gun ownership more burdensome on lawful citizens.  I am not willing to infringe on the constitutional right of lawful gun owners especially when the laws already designed to protect us are being unenforced.”  

Enzi does not condone violence, but said the problem is bigger and more complex than will be solved by a few gun control votes in the Senate.

“There is no doubt we need to do more to curb the senseless acts of violence in our country, but the bill before the Senate does not focus on the problem.  Our nation and its communities should be doing more to foster the idea that life must be respected.  One of the things we need is for parents to teach more and emphasize to their kids that it is not right to kill or bully people, that we need to take personal responsibility for our actions.  I hope we don’t rely on a few votes by this body to make everybody feel comfortable that all the problem is taken care of.  It won’t be,” Enzi said.

Enzi spoke this afternoon on the Senate floor before a series of gun control and pro-Second Amendment votes were set to take place.  Check Enzi’s Facebook page and Twitter feed for more updates later.