
We need to implement a long-term energy policy aimed at reducing prices for American families and businesses. I support an all-of-the-above energy strategy that includes clean coal, natural gas, nuclear, and renewable energies, while also better utilizing our abundant domestic resources. We must become an energy-independent nation. In order to do so, we have to explore, we have to conserve and we have to pursue all avenues of alternative energy. 

More on Energy

September 27, 2018 Press Release
“LIHEAP is a historically successful program that helps Michigan residents in need of assistance with their energy bills. Today’s legislation ensures LIHEAP will be funded to help residents heat their homes, cook their food, and have warm water this winter.”
September 13, 2018 Press Release
"I have worked to make sure Michigan's priorities for our veterans and the Great Lakes receive the federal funding they need. This legislation includes more support for veterans in rural communities and helps all veterans who might be at risk from the opioid crisis. Recent reforms at the VA have led to increased accountability and the funding passed today will do more to help our veterans receive the care they deserve for serving our country.
May 16, 2018 Press Release
“This funding supports world-class research at Michigan State and it is already bringing talent, jobs, and millions of dollars to mid-Michigan. I look forward to seeing FRIB construction continue at MSU and I appreciate Congressman Bishop's help in making this funding possible.”
February 13, 2018 Press Release
"FRIB is a long-term investment that will help solve some of the biggest issues in medicine and scientific research. It will create good-paying jobs in mid Michigan and today's legislation will ensure that construction continues on this vital project."
July 12, 2017 In The News

Congressman Moolenaar released the following statement:

"This project at Michigan State brings world-class scientific research and millions of dollars to the economy of mid-Michigan. I worked with Congressman Mike Bishop, who is an effective advocate for this important facility, and I look forward to seeing it move forward at MSU."

March 30, 2017 In The News

Michigan Congressman John Moolenaar on Tuesday voted for United States House of Representatives legislation that will require the Environmental Protection Agency to base any new rules it writes on scientific research that is available to the public.

January 24, 2017 Press Release
I support today's decision. Building Keystone will create good-paying jobs and provide hardworking Americans with a more stable source of energy.
June 22, 2016 Press Release
“With President Obama's signature today, America’s Toxic Substances Control Act is updated for the first time in 40 years. This new law strengthens environmental protections for all Americans, recognizes the value of more than 800,000 people employed in the chemical industry and keeps America as the world leader in research and innovation.”
April 29, 2016 In The News

The new caucus will "serve as an informal group of members dedicated to issues related to the transformative science of chemistry," according to a press release issued by Moolenaar on Wednesday, April 27.

December 18, 2015 Press Release
The legislation provides $300 million in funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to protect the Lakes and the $7 billion economy they support. In recognition of the EPA’s overreach with the Waters of the U.S. rule and other burdensome regulations, this bill cuts EPA spending by $452 million. It also makes changes to the visa waiver program and requires visitors to America who have traveled to terrorism hotspots to undergo rigorous background checks before entering the country.
