National Security

For over two hundred years, the men and women of the United States military have protected us and defended American values at home and abroad. We must commit to a strong national defense in order to respond to challenges from countries like China and Russia, deter rogue states like Iran and North Korea, and defeat violent extremists who know no borders.

The men and women of our Armed Forces deserve the best resources and support possible to carry out their mission to keep America safe. I am committed to ensuring our troops have the tools and training they need to be effective wherever and whenever they are called upon.


More on National Security

September 26, 2018 Press Release
“I voted to give our brave men and women in uniform the largest pay raise in nine years because they put their lives on the line to keep our country safe. It is a strong follow-up to the legislation that was signed into law earlier this month to provide for our veterans with record-funding at the VA and more support for VA Choice. Our servicemembers and veterans deserve our support for the sacrifices they make and this legislation will help them and their families while keeping our country safe.”
July 18, 2018 Press Release
“ICE has done important work on the opioid crisis, seizing thousands of pounds of fentanyl and heroin. It has arrested nearly 2,000 human traffickers, stopping those who victimize women and children in modern-day slavery. ICE agents have also arrested thousands of offenders who have committed murder and sexual assault. I am proud to support the men and women of ICE as they face danger to stop criminals and keep our country safe.”
June 28, 2018 Press Release

In the past week, the House of Representatives considered two different immigration reform bills that would secure America's borders and improve the American immigration system.  

Congressman Moolenaar voted for both bills. He made the following statement on today's legislative action:

May 8, 2018 Press Release
"The nuclear deal gave Iran, the leading state-sponsor of terrorism, billions of dollars and it used that money to continue terrorizing people around the world. Iran's aggression and hostility towards America and Israel is why I rejected this bad deal when President Obama proposed it three years ago. President Trump and Ambassador Haley have used strong sanctions to bring North Korea to the negotiating table. Now sanctions can be used again to get a better deal with Iran and stop it from obtaining a nuclear weapon."
April 14, 2018 Press Release
"After multiple diplomatic efforts to end Bashar al-Assad's heinous use of chemical weapons, the United States, France and the United Kingdom successfully used limited military action to cripple three chemical weapons facilities inside Syria. This weekend's international action sends a strong message to Syria, Iran and Russia that their use and support of chemical weapons will not be tolerated."
March 22, 2018 Press Release
"Today’s bipartisan legislation delivers for Michigan with funding to protect the Great Lakes, increased funding for national security, support for those on the frontlines against the opioid crisis, and opportunities for Michigan communities to apply for rural broadband funding. It also has funding to care for our veterans and to find cures in the fight against cancer and Alzehmier's. Finally, this legislation increases funding for roads and bridges and does more to secure our country's borders."
January 22, 2018 Press Release
This was an unnecessary shutdown by Senate Democrats to negotiate an issue completely unrelated to keeping the government open. Today's legislation is responsible and it funds priorities for our state including children's health insurance, Great Lakes protection, and national security. Our country faces important issues including immigration and a long-term budget solution and I look forward to working on them.
July 28, 2017 In The News

Congressman John Moolenaar was among those attending the ceremony. The Midland Republican said the Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor honors recognize the heroic action of the officers who saved the lives of others.

July 27, 2017 Press Release
I am proud to support the legislation passed by the House today. It supports critical priorities for our state including a pay raise for our troops, funding for our veterans, modernizing the Soo Locks and important scientific research at Michigan State that will bring more than one thousand good-paying jobs to mid Michigan.
June 29, 2017 Press Release
Today's legislation gives our troops a well-earned raise and improves health care for their families so they know their families are safe while they serve and protect ours.
