
The hardworking families of mid and northern Michigan understand how to balance their checkbook and it’s about time the federal government does the same. Excessive spending in Washington has been unchecked for too long, and as a result, our nation faces over $20 trillion in debt. Plain and simple, our obligations are growing faster than our ability to pay them.

We must find a way to get the federal government’s spending under control and restore confidence in our economy. As a member of the House Committee on Appropriations, I support legislation that promotes fiscal responsibility, accountability and puts our nation on a brighter path for our children and grandchildren. Ultimately, I believe the strength of our economy is the thousands of people and businesses like those in Michigan’s Fourth District, not with government spending.

More on Budget

September 18, 2018 In The News

Congressman John Moolenaar visited Cadillac Tuesday and updated us on current legislation directly affecting Michiganders.

The congressman spoke about the house’s Great Lakes Restoration initiative, as well as work on the opioid crisis, veterans issues, and the budget.

September 13, 2018 Press Release
"Today's legislation makes it crystal clear: President Trump, Republicans, and Democrats support a new lock in the Soo. After 50 years of harsh winters and extraordinary maintenance, we need to build a second lock to be ready in case the one lock we have fails. We cannot afford a disruption of the Great Lakes shipping that is crucial to American manufacturing jobs and the products enjoyed by millions of Americans. I will be working with my colleagues on the Appropriations Committee to fund this vital construction for Michigan and the country."
September 13, 2018 In The News

"Today's legislation makes it crystal clear: President Trump, Republicans and Democrats support a new lock in the Soo," said U.S. Rep. John Moolenaar, R-Midland, who has been pushing for authorization of the project and is likely to be a key member to secure funding as the state's only member of the Appropriations Committee. "After 50 years of harsh winters and extraordinary maintenance, we need to build a second lock to be ready in case the one lock we have fails."

September 13, 2018 Press Release
"I have worked to make sure Michigan's priorities for our veterans and the Great Lakes receive the federal funding they need. This legislation includes more support for veterans in rural communities and helps all veterans who might be at risk from the opioid crisis. Recent reforms at the VA have led to increased accountability and the funding passed today will do more to help our veterans receive the care they deserve for serving our country.
June 14, 2018 In The News

"Summer has begun and millions of Michiganders are enjoying boating and fishing on the Great Lakes, so it is crucial to preserve and protect them for future generations," said Rep. John Moolenaar, a member of the House Appropriations Committee. "Funding the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative supports that goal and helps protect the Lakes from pollution and invasive species. I will continue to advocate for this funding and help it move forward in Congress."

June 8, 2018 Press Release
“Michigan families love the Great Lakes. They want to preserve and protect them for future generations. This legislation will hold the Army Corps accountable in the fight against invasive species, help develop Michigan harbors, and allow Michigan residents to enjoy our rivers and lakes."
June 6, 2018 Press Release
"Summer has begun and millions of Michiganders are enjoying boating and fishing on the Great Lakes, so it is crucial to preserve and protect them for future generations. Funding the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative supports that goal and helps protect the Lakes from pollution and invasive species. I will continue to advocate for this funding and help it move forward in Congress."
May 23, 2018 Press Release
"Today's legislation bolsters the Highway Trust Fund with more money for federal roads and I will continue to advocate for additional funding to fix our country's most important infrastructure needs."
May 21, 2018 Press Release
“Our veterans served our country and made sacrifices to keep America safe and free and we can never do enough to repay them for all they have done. This increase will help veterans and their families and it is only a small part of how we can thank them for their service to our country.”
May 17, 2018 Press Release
“The fight against the opioid crisis takes many forms and I am working on all fronts to make sure our communities have the resources they need for prevention, treatment and law enforcement. This funding for law enforcement will increase monitoring of prescription drugs and boost efforts to stop the illicit trafficking of opioids.”
