Phoenix VA Information Center

If you or someone you know is experiencing issues pertaining to the Phoenix VA Medical Center, please call our Phoenix office at 602-956-2285.

Phoenix VA Information Center

The VA crisis began at the Phoenix VA Health Care System when whistleblowers revealed that Arizona veterans were placed on secret lists and had to wait months before seeing a doctor. Since then, we have learned that these problems are systemic and that serious work remains to provide our veterans with access to the timely, high quality care they deserve.

As many as 40 Arizona veterans died while waiting for care on secret lists. This is immoral and un-American. Equally unacceptable are actions taken by Phoenix VA administrators to destroy evidence and retaliate against whistleblowers.

While there have been some modest improvements, we must change the culture of the VA to put veterans first. Arizona veterans deserve a VA health care system that delivers the best possible care. I will continue to work with veterans, health providers, and the VA until this is a reality.

Taking Action

Since allegations of long wait times and false record-keeping emerged, we have taken several steps to address the crisis at the Phoenix VA. We will update this section as we continue to work to find answers and improve care for Arizona veterans. Our most recent actions are listed first.

  • Hosted our sixth Veterans Resource Clinic – our clinics have served over 800 veterans and military families since July 2014.

  • Sent a letter to VA Secretary McDonald requesting an independent review of the Phoenix VA's suicide prevention protocols and procedures.

  • House passed our Sgt. Daniel Somers Classified Veterans Access to Care Act to ensure veterans with classified experiences have appropriate access to mental health services.

  • Met with the new Director of the Phoenix VA Health Care System, Deborah Amdur, to discuss challenges faceting the Phoenix VA and the reforms need to the problems. 

  • Hosted a bipartisan Special Order Hour to raise awareness about the epidemic of veteran suicide. 

  • Introduced and passed an amendment to the VA Accountability Act to ensure individual managers are held accountable to fix problems identified by the VA Office of Inspector General (VAOIG).

  • House passed the VA Accountability Act, legislation we co-sponsored to hold VA employees accountable and improve performance at the VA.

  • Testified before the House Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee on Heath on our Sgt. Daniel Somers Classified Veterans Access to Care Act. 

  • Introduced the Demanding Accountability for Veterans Act with Dan Benishek requiring the VA to address problems identified by the VA Office of Inspector General and ensure individual managers are held accountable if issues remain unresolved.

  • Introduced and passed an amendment improving oversight and accountability at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

  • Cosponsored the VA Accountability Act the Secretary of Veterans Affairs new authority to hold VA employees accountable and improve performance at the VA.

  • Brought Arizona Veterans' concerns to VA Management about a rule preventing many veterans who drive 40+ miles to a VA from enrolling in the VA Choice program.

  • Demanded answers about delays in care, lack of review of medical records, and lack of understanding between VA and non-VA providers at the Phoenix VA's Urology Department

  • Met with new VA Southwest Region Acting Director Kathleen Fogarty and requested a plan to ensure the Phoenix VA has the resources it needs to deliver the highest standard of care

  • Offered a motion calling for the House and Senate to adopt language from the bipartisan Sanders-McCain VA Reform bill and send a final bill to the President's Desk

  • Cosponsored and Passed H.R. 4810, the "Veteran Access to Care Act of 2014

    • This bipartisan bill would cut wait times at VA medical facilities by expanding the VA's use of community providers. The bill would also suspend employee performance bonuses for three years

  • Cosponsored and Passed H.R. 2072, the "Demanding Accountability for Veterans Act of 2013" 

    • This bipartisan bill would hold the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs responsible for addressing problems identified by the VA Office of Inspector General (VAOIG). It would also prevent the VA from paying performance bonuses to poorly performing employees

  • Cosponsored and Passed H.R. 4031, the "Department of Veterans Affairs Management Accountability Act of 2014

  • This bipartisan bill improves accountability and protects veterans by giving the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs greater authority to hold underperforming senior executives accountable and to remove them for poor performance

  • Passed a bipartisan amendment with Rep. Matt Salmon to increase funds available for the VA Office of Inspector General "for an investigation into the alleged misrepresentation of appointment times and the deaths of veterans at the Phoenix VA Hospital

  • On April 25, the Department of Veterans Affairs announced the OIG had opened an investigation into the Phoenix VA


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    Comments (optional)
    repName Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema  
    helpWithFedAgencyAddress 2944 N. 44th Street
    Suite 150
    Phoenix, AZ 85018
    Phone: 602-956-2285
    Hours: M-F 8-5:00pm
    district 9th District of Arizona  
    academyUSCitizenDate July 1, 2016  
    academyAgeDate July 1, 2016  
    academyApplicationDueDate October 20, 2016  
    repStateABBR AZ  
    repDistrict 9  
    repState Arizona  
    repDistrictText 9st  
    SponsoredBills Sponsored Bills  
    CoSponsoredBills Co-Sponsored Bills  
  • Office Locations

    Office Name Location Image Map URL
    Washington DC 1530 Longworth House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
    Phone: 202-225-9888
    Hours: M-F 8:30-6:30pm
    2944 N. 44th Street
    Suite 150
    Phoenix, AZ 85018
    Phone: 602-956-2285
    Hours: M-F 8-5:00pm