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Congressman John Sarbanes

Representing the 3rd District of Maryland

Momentum Builds for Dems to Take on Campaign Finance Reform

Nov 11, 2018
In The News

Momentum is building within the House Democratic conference to move aggressively on campaign finance reform next year after candidates promised the issue would be at the center of their agenda if they took back the majority.... Half of the new Democrats elected to Congress have refused to take corporate PAC money, according to the grassroots organization End Citizens United, which advocates for campaign finance reform.... Separately, more than 100 Democratic House candidates signed a letter sent last month calling for sweeping reforms, including the disclosure of all political spending. At least 34 of those candidates won their elections, according to ECU, with a few races remaining too close to call.... Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Md.), who has taken a lead role in pushing campaign finance reform, said in a statement to The Hill that Democrats will introduce a reform package as soon as the new Congress takes office. Sarbanes is among a handful of returning Democrats in the House who have sworn off corporate PAC money, according to the ECU.... “On the first day of the new Congress, Democrats will introduce a bold and sweeping democracy reform package that will end the dominance of big money in our politics,” he said.... Democrats say the package, which will extend beyond campaign finance reform, is likely to include two bills on the issue.... One piece of legislation would be Sarbanes’ Government by the People Act, which proposes a small-donor matching system for federal candidates. Under the proposal, donations of up to $150 would be matched by a contribution of public funds at a six-to-one ratio. A donation of one dollar, for example, would trigger a $6 contribution from the public.