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Congressman Peter DeFazio

Representing the 4th District of OREGON


The federal government can and should do more to invest in our students and schools as states struggle to provide adequate K-12 funding and affordable higher education opportunities. Quality education creates sound building blocks for future generations, yet recent trends indicate American students are falling behind their foreign counterparts in nearly all subjects.

Major Accomplishments

DeFazio Scholarships

DeFazio understands the importance of higher education and he could not have attended college without the assistance of financial aid. This is why he established a scholarship fund for dislocated workers at five community colleges in southwest Oregon. Since he has consistently refused the pay raises that other Members of Congress keep passing for themselves, the scholarship fund lets him use that excess pay to benefit Oregonians. As of the end of 2014, DeFazio contributed $378,000 of after-tax salary toward 227 scholarships and debt reduction. He counts these scholarships among his proudest accomplishments.

In addition to his scholarships, Congressman DeFazio has been a consistent supporter of federal higher education programs such as Pell grants, federal work study, and student loan forgiveness, which helps make college more affordable.

As a recipient of financial aid, DeFazio was proud to support the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act (SAFRA) which became law in 2010. The SAFRA comes at an opportune time as a record number of students need assistance for affordable, quality education opportunities. SAFRA eliminated taxpayer-financed subsidies to banks making federal educational loans in favor of a more cost efficient model through the Direct Loan program. Direct loans to students provide more opportunities to future generations than do subsidies to banks. Eliminating bank subsidies will result in $61 billion in taxpayer savings over the next 10 years, which completely pays for the improved educational investments.

Passage of SAFRA was not the end, and DeFazio believes we need to do more. He supports efforts that would allow tens of millions of Americans to refinance their student loans, and supports lowering the student loan interest rates to the same super low interest rates that big Wall Street banks get. The federal government should be investing in students, not be making a profit off of them. DeFazio also supported the Income-based Repayment program, which gives graduates a flexible repayment system to avoid default. 

DeFazio was one of a few members of Congress to object to the $21 billion in graduate student loan cuts in the Budget Control Act of 2011. In the next 10 years, 2.5 million new jobs will require a graduate degree. At the same time the debt burden from higher education is sky-rocketing. Masters students face an average $51,950 in debt when they graduate. Doctoral students report an even steeper debt burden of $77,580.

Early Childhood Development

DeFazio has been a strong supporter of increasing federal funding levels and federal resources to Pre-K programs, such as Head Start. Early childhood education, nutrition, health care and family support services are critical for our nation's youth. Often these programs are not just about schooling, they are about meeting the needs of young children and their families.

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

DeFazio has long supported fixing the Elementary and Secondary Education Reauthorization Act, commonly referred to as No Child Left Behind.  When the federal government imposes mandates on local schools, then the federal government should follow through on promised funding to fulfill those mandates. In addition, the annual testing mandate and 100% proficiency mandates are a flawed framework for measuring student achievement.

In 2015, DeFazio voted for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which was signed into law on December 10. The ESSA returned power over standardized testing and education plans back to the states, and replaced counterproductive accountability systems with commonsense standards. The ESSA also protected funding for low-income schools and ensured that minority and disadvantaged students were accounted for in measuring student success.

DeFazio has also championed federal funding for school construction and modernization. He protested the removal of these critical funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and supports the inclusion of these funds as part of job creation legislation.

More on Education

Apr 18, 2018 Press Release

Congressman Peter DeFazio today introduced the HIGHER ED and AID Acts, two pieces of legislation aimed at making it easier for students to attend and pay for higher education.

Sep 29, 2016 Press Release

This week Rep. Peter DeFazio introduced the Helping Improve Grants for Higher Education & Repayment of Expensive Debt (HIGHER ED) Act, a bill that will make college more affordable for students nationwide.

The major feature of the bill would help borrowers repay their student loans by raising the minimum annual salary required before they have to begin to pay back their loans under income-driven repayment plans.

Sep 23, 2016 Press Release

Rep. Peter DeFazio today led a bipartisan letter to House Leadership with fifty-one other Representatives urging Congress to reauthorize full funding for the Secure Rural Schools (SRS) Program for FY2016.

The Secure Rural Schools program was created to help timber-dependent counties after changes in federal timber policy dramatically reduced timber receipts to rural communities across the United States. Today, the SRS program provides financial support for municipal services such as law enforcement, infrastructure and education.

May 1, 2015 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) will be in Eugene Monday, May 4, leading a rally to oppose fast track trade authority for President Obama and the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement.  Later he will lead a discussion with University of Oregon students about the student debt crisis. Event details follow:


WHAT:          Rally to Stop Fast Track

WHEN:          12:00 Noon to 12:30 PM, Monday, May 4, 2015

WHERE:       Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza