Empowering Americans Affected by Gun Violence at the State of the Union

Jan 15, 2013 Issues: Gun Safety

Keeping up pressure for new gun safety laws in the wake of the Newtown tragedy, Representatives Jim Langevin (D-RI), Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), Keith Ellison (D-MN), Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and David Cicilline (D-RI) are asking their colleagues to join them in inviting someone impacted by gun violence to the President’s State of the Union address on February 12, 2013. Each member of Congress has the opportunity to bring one guest to sit in the House gallery during the speech.

“It is vital that we include the American public and give a voice to our constituents as we search for comprehensive solutions to this problem,” said the group in a letter to members of the Democratic Caucus. “In December, President Obama declared that addressing gun-related violence would be a ‘central issue’ as he opens his second term… It is our hope that their presence in the House Gallery will send a strong message that it is long past time to act.”

The five Representatives have advocated for sensible gun safety measures, including the Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act, authored by Congresswoman McCarthy to ban magazines that hold more than ten bullets. They are all part of the Gun violence Prevention Task Force formed by House Democrats.

Here is the full letter:

Empower Americans Affected by Gun Violence 

Provide Them a Seat at the State of the Union

Dear Democratic Colleague,

The recent shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, were an unspeakable tragedy that shocked, saddened and united Americans across the country.  This horrific event also reignited an important debate over the role that we all must play in addressing gun violence in our society.  

There have been more than 70 mass shootings in our country in the last two years alone, and gun-related violence continues to claim too many victims.  In just the weeks since Newtown, over 400 people have been killed by guns in our communities.  It is vital that we include the American public and give a voice to our constituents as we search for comprehensive solutions to this problem.

In December, President Obama declared that addressing gun-related violence would be a “central issue” as he opens his second term.  In an effort to continue the discussion and engage our constituents in this important debate, we ask you to join us in inviting a person who has been impacted by gun violence to be your guest at the President’s State of the Union address on February 12th.  It is our hope that their presence in the House Gallery will send a strong message that it is long past time to act. 

If you would like more information, or to participate in this show of support for victims of gun violence, please contact Kristin Nicholson (Langevin) at Kristin (dot) Nicholson (at) mail (dot) house (dot) gov.



Jim Langevin                                                         Rosa DeLauro

Member of Congress                                             Member of Congress


Carolyn McCarthy                                                  Keith Ellison

Member of Congress                                              Member of Congress


David Cicilline

Member of Congress