Langevin Praises House Passage of Fiscal Year 2019 National Defense Authorization Act

May 24, 2018 Issues: Armed Services, Cybersecurity, Disabilities, Gun Safety, Vote

Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI), a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee and Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, released the following statement after voting in favor of the Fiscal Year 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which passed the House by a vote of 351-66 two weeks following passage out of the Armed Services Committee:

“I am honored to support our military in my capacity as a senior member of the Armed Service Committee, and I was proud to vote for the NDAA today. This bill provides critical resources to those on the front lines protecting our nation, and it sets important policy priorities for the Department of Defense as we confront ever-changing threats across the globe.

“This year’s NDAA makes critical investments in advanced technologies and improves our ability to deter adversaries in cyberspace. It includes a 2.6 percent pay increase for our service members, supports our special operations forces, enhances our ability to counter threats from weapons of mass destruction, and provides for increased humanitarian assistance.

“I am also pleased my colleagues supported several of my amendments to strengthen the bill. One of them recognizes the importance of State Department personnel who work in collaboration with our military personnel abroad to foster democracy and peace, while another promotes accessibility standards for people with disabilities for Department facilities at home and abroad.

“This NDAA continues to strengthen Rhode Island’s defense sector, ensuring continued investment in this pillar of our local economy. It supports Rhode Island companies doing important research and development regarding radar enhancement. It also adds a billion dollars beyond the President’s request for Virginia-class and Columbia-class submarines, ensuring continued naval and strategic superiority beneath the seas and supporting the critical work done by General Dynamics Electric Boat in Quonset Point.

“However, this bill is not perfect. I am deeply concerned that the bill allows for exceptions to machine gun transfer standards, weakening a law that has kept the American people safe for decades. I am also troubled by the many cuts made to the “Fourth Estate” of the Department – the Departmental components that provide crucial support to our military services – such as the Defense Information Systems Agency and the Office of Economic Adjustment, and I look forward to addressing some of these shortfalls as we reconcile the House and Senate bills in conference later this year.

“Nevertheless, this is a strong bill and a testament to the hard work done by Chairman Thornberry and Ranking Member Smith to promote our national security. I will continue to work with my colleagues to craft a final bill that will support our armed forces, protect our interests abroad, and keep Americans safe.”