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Congressman Mike Quigley

Representing the 5th District of Illinois

Energy / Environment

Innovative policies to address some of our most pressing environmental threats are critical to securing a prosperous and healthy future. Today, climate change is a major threat to our land, water, air, animals, plants, economy, and the well-being of future generations. Congress can’t afford to sit back and continue to do nothing, we must act now to protect our precious natural places and bodies of water. I support protecting and enhancing the protections of the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act, giving the Environmental Protection Agency the tools and funding it needs to full its mission, , and preventing harmful legislation that denies the reality of climate change and its impacts around the world.

As Vice Chair of the House Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC), I have been a stalwart defender of the environment, supporting legislation that promotes clean energy development, reduces harmful carbon and methane emissions, and protects our public lands and wildlife. In addition, as a life-long member of the Sierra Club, I have been proud to stand up for our environment, a fact that is reflected by my 98% lifetime score from the League of Conservation Voters. I have consistently supported legislation that aims to protect our planet as well as the lives and livelihoods of people around the world, while also supporting robust local job growth and a strong and sustainable economy. Since coming to Congress, I have also acted to help keep our communities safe and better prepared for the impacts of severe storms. For example, as the only Illinois member of the House Appropriations Committee, I have worked hard to secure critical funding for the construction of the Thornton and McCook reservoirs which will help keep Chicago’s homes and properties safe from the impacts of sever urban flooding. 

I understand that we cannot solve the climate crisis without realizing how interconnected its impacts truly are. Today, the results of climate change can already be seen across the world’s plant and animal populations. During my time in Congress, I’ve been proud to support wildlife and the Endangered Species Act, which for over forty years has helped prevent the extinction of our nation’s unique wildlife.

Working to protect our environment, I was proud to introduce the bipartisan Botanic Sciences and Native Plant Materials Research, Restoration, and Promotion Act, which increases the botanical expertise of the Department of the Interior and help protect our nation’s diverse and valuable native plant ecosystems. There is also the threat to our National Parks posed by disposable plastic water bottles. During my climate change tour and visit to Rocky Mountain National Park, I saw firsthand how human actions are impacting our precious landscape. Following my trip, I introduced the Reducing Waste in National Parks Act to ban the sale of single-use water bottles in national park facilities.

Protecting our environment is a top priority of mine and one of the reasons I entered public service. I will continue working with my colleagues to address the realities of climate change, and will dedicate my time in Congress to supporting legislation that protects our communities and develops strategies to combat the many threats facing our environment.

Rep. Quigley visited Rocky Mountain National Park in May 2017 to see the impacts of climate change first hand and learn about relationships of climate, science and research.

Rep. Quigley has repeated spoken out against President Trump’s decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement.

After introducing legislation to ban the sale of disposable water bottles in National Parks, Rep. Quigley led a group of environmental advocates to deliver more than 50,000 petitions to the Department of Interior.

Rep. Quigley published an article with The Environmental Law Institute arguing that the United States’ environmental policies have for too-long been ad hoc-designed to address individual environmental challenges in the moment rather than striving for policies focused on longevity and coherence.

More on Energy / Environment

Dec 12, 2018 Press Release
Rep. Mike Quigley released the following statement in support of the creation of a House Select Committee on a Green New Deal to combat our climate change challenges.
Nov 13, 2018 Press Release
Rep. Quigley introduced a House resolution outlining key findings of the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change report on the impacts of a warming world and reaffirming the House’s recognition and acceptance of these findings.
Nov 9, 2018 E-Newsletters
This week, the American people made it very clear that they want a House of Representatives committed to American values and government accountability.
Oct 16, 2018 Press Release
Rep. Quigley joined members of the bipartisan Great Lakes Task Force in sending a letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers requesting support for projects that are of critical importance to the environment and economy of our districts and the entire Great Lakes region.
Oct 14, 2018 In the News
I was in good company with several of Illinois’s staunchest environmental champions in Congress, including Sen. Tammy Duckworth and U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley, who also spoke up for the millions of people in this country who support the Clean Power Plan.
