Speaker's Blog

Speaker Ryan Op-Ed in USA Today: Drop the politics, put public's health first

August 04, 2016

The following op-ed by Speaker Ryan appears in today's USA TODAY: We shouldn’t be politicizing the Zika threat. We should be fighting it. From the start, the Republican-led Congress has made it a priority to enact smart measures and secure resources to protect the public. Read More

Op-Ed by Speaker Ryan on CNN.com: 'On refugees, balance compassion and safety'

November 23, 2015

The terrorist attacks in Paris showed the world just how vulnerable a free society can be. They're also a reminder that this administration's attempt to contain the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has failed. Read More

Op-Ed by Speaker Ryan in USA TODAY: 'Get serious about enforcing our laws'

November 04, 2015

As speaker, I’ve promised a new way of doing business. Don’t pass thousand-page bills in the middle of the night. Do it all out in the open. Take it step by step. And get serious about enforcing our laws. That’s the way to fix our immigration system. Read More

Boehner in Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: For the sake of jobs, lift the ban on exporting U.S. oil

August 24, 2015

America has the talent, the know-how and the God-given resources to be an energy superpower if we make the right choices. Ten years from now, let's be able to again look back and say that we made the right call. Read More

21st Century Cures: Helping Americans Live Longer, Healthier Lives

July 10, 2015

Over the last year, members of the House Energy & Commerce Committee have put that question to doctors, patients, experts, and medical innovators across the country, and their input has formed the foundation of a bipartisan initiative called “21st Century Cures.” Read More
