Pro-Life and Family Issues

Life begins at conception, and we must do all we can to protect it from that moment on. 

A majority of Americans are pro-life, yet the Supreme Court has declared abortion a fundamental right, and our government subsidizes abortion providers like Planned Parenthood to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars a year. I will do all I can in Congress to make the case for life, roll back Roe v. Wade, and stop taxpayer funding of abortions. 

I oppose any attempt to redefine marriage as something else other than one man and one woman. Following the Supreme Court’s decision on gay marriage, we need federal legislation protecting religious liberty and conscience rights. It is wrong that businesses and charities are being shut down because they do not subscribe to an incorrect view of marriage.

We must stand up for civil society in all its forms. Strong families, churches, civic organizations, and other voluntary associations are the keys to a thriving society and a bulwark against ever-encroaching government. They must be supported.

More on Pro-Life and Family Issues

October 6, 2017 Press Release

Washington, DC - Congressman Warren Davidson (R-OH) released the following statement concerning President Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services policy protecting religious entities from the Obama administrations contraceptive mandate.

“This decision by President Trump’s health and human services department is a victory for all people of faith. Forcing religious employers to pay for services that violate their consciences is contrary to the religious freedoms guaranteed by our First Amendment Constitutional rights.”


October 3, 2017 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) released the following statement after the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act passed the House of Representatives, a bill he co-sponsored.

“This bill protects the sanctity of life which is of the upmost importance. This bill makes great strides in protecting unborn babies and advancing the pro-life movement. I look forward to the Senate taking up this measure, passing it into law, and saving countless lives across the country.”

May 4, 2017 Press Release
Last month, Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) led 51 of his colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives in a letter urging President Donald Trump to sign an executive order protecting religious liberty. Rep. Davidson released the following statement after President Trump signed his executive order providing protections: “President Trump’s executive order will provide relief for organizations from the unfair HHS contraception mandate, ensure the free speech rights of faith leaders, and require federal agencies to follow the Constitution and current law. “While this is a good first step, more work remains. This order fails to roll back some of the worst progressive mandates of the Obama era. Namely, protections are still needed for religious organizations involved with adoptions, military chaplains serving our troops, federal contractors seeking to preserve their religious identity, and schools maintaining their religious mission. Hillary Clinton punctuated this affront to our Constitution, when she suggested those opposed to her progressive views simply change their doctrine.
March 7, 2017 In The News

A congressman from Ohio is set to introduce legislation that would consolidate 92 federal welfare programs into roughly a dozen, affecting about $1 trillion in government payouts and related administrative costs.

Rep. Warren Davidson (R-Ohio), the Republican who replaced former House Speaker John Boehner in Ohio’s 8th District, said there is no need for so many welfare programs and so much duplication in welfare administration.

February 16, 2017 Press Release
As I have said before, Planned Parenthood should not receive a dime of federal funding. As the congressional investigation found, they traffic baby parts for profit. The Washington Post debunked the myth that Planned Parenthood provides mammograms. As a recent Live Action investigation showed, Planned Parenthood claims to offer prenatal care enticing women to visit their offices and then won’t offer an ultrasound unless the woman commits to killing their child. Ohio did the right thing by redirecting funding away from Planned Parenthood. I am proud to vote today to stand up for Ohio and other states’ ability to redirect funding away from the abortion industry led by Planned Parenthood.
January 24, 2017 Press Release
“This past week has seen a series of victories for unborn babies, first with the revival of the Mexico City Policy, and now the passage of this bill in the House. Blocking taxpayer dollars for abortion is known to reduce the number of abortions in this country, thereby supporting what used to be the mantra of Democrats that abortions should be rare. A majority of Americans, including even ones who are pro-choice, are opposed to their taxpayer dollars being used to fund abortions. Today’s bill merely brings consistency across the federal government on current restrictions and it is long overdue that this bill is signed into law. “This cannot be another ‘show vote’ in the House that is ignored by the Senate. I urge the Senate to listen to the American people and promptly vote on this measure.”
January 23, 2017 Press Release
“This day is bittersweet for Americans. On one hand, we just observed the solemn anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that has led to the death of over 58 million babies. On the other hand, President Trump’s action to stop the federal government from being part of these atrocities around the world gives us hope for the future. On this day, let us also remember the countless women who suffer from the trauma of their abortions.”
December 7, 2016 Press Release
Congressman Warren Davidson (R-OH) released the following statement after the Ohio Senate and Ohio House of Representatives passed the Unborn Heartbeat Protection Amendment: “Republicans are united that abortion is unacceptable in America. Our party platform advocates for a complete ban on abortion and states that ‘the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed.’ The protections provided in the Unborn Heartbeat Protection Amendment are a step in the right direction in protecting the most vulnerable among us, the unborn. I look forward to this becoming law and saving countless lives in Ohio.”