
Our nation’s veterans and wounded warriors have sacrificed in defense of our country. Their dedication and commitment, along with that of their families, has ensured our freedom and should never be taken for granted. 

Our veterans deserve the absolute highest quality medical care and benefits for their service. We must ensure that returning military members have access to every benefit they have been promised, As such, Congress should focus on stringent oversight of the VA to ensure veterans are getting the services they need. I will continue to put our veterans first, and fight for legislation that removes barriers for our returning veterans.

More on Veterans

December 7, 2018 Press Release
“Congratulations to the Asch family on this tremendous honor for Colonel Asch. He was a patriot who never forgot where he was from and he continued to support Beaverton and Gladwin County throughout his life. This special honor will help his legacy be remembered for generations to come.”
November 16, 2018 Press Release
“Colonel Asch was an American hero and it has been wonderful to lead this special effort honoring him as a proud son of Beaverton,” said Congressman Moolenaar. “He bravely flew missions during World War II, helped develop post-war civilian flight practices, and never forgot where he was from, funding a scholarship at CMU for Gladwin County residents. I am grateful to Senator Stabenow and Senator Peters for their support of this legislation honoring Colonel Asch.”
October 10, 2018 Press Release
“This increase will help Michigan veterans who are disabled from a wartime injury and it’s just a small part of how we can thank them for their selfless service to our nation.”
September 20, 2018 In The News

"For me to be able to personally hand that to her on behalf of a grateful nation means a lot,” Moolenaar said.

September 19, 2018 In The News

"It was Brenda, Harry's daughter, who is here today, who reached out to my office," said Moolenaar. "In doing so, she helped ensure that our country continues to honor the men and women who have served our country."

September 19, 2018 In The News

“We want to assist in honoring our veterans in every way. It’s a way of honoring their families for their sacrifice, nut it also speaks a very powerful message to future generations that this kind of sacrifice will not be forgotten,” he said.

September 18, 2018 In The News

Congressman John Moolenaar visited Cadillac Tuesday and updated us on current legislation directly affecting Michiganders.

The congressman spoke about the house’s Great Lakes Restoration initiative, as well as work on the opioid crisis, veterans issues, and the budget.

September 13, 2018 Press Release
"I am grateful for the support of the House of Representatives in honoring the late Colonel Alfred Asch for his contributions to our country and the Beaverton community. He realized his childhood dream of flying, and during World War II he bravely flew missions to liberate Europe, earning numerous decorations. As service to his country took him away from home, he never forgot where he was from. He created a scholarship for Gladwin County students at CMU, and wrote memoirs about his life in northern Michigan, the proceeds of which were donated to the Beaverton Activity Center. Colonel Asch is a hero and I am glad we're one step closer to honoring his life of service."
September 13, 2018 Press Release
"I have worked to make sure Michigan's priorities for our veterans and the Great Lakes receive the federal funding they need. This legislation includes more support for veterans in rural communities and helps all veterans who might be at risk from the opioid crisis. Recent reforms at the VA have led to increased accountability and the funding passed today will do more to help our veterans receive the care they deserve for serving our country.
August 3, 2018 In The News

Congressman John Moolenaar was at the ceremony and presented Harbaum with the Army Commendation Medal, the Good Conduct Medal, the National Defense Service medal, the Vietnam Service Medal with Bronze Star Attachment, the Republic of Vietnam Campaign Ribbon with Device, the Marksman Badge with Rifle Bar, and the Vietnam Commendation Pin from Governor Rick Snyder. 
