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U.S. Senator Mike Enzi is encouraging Wyoming high school students to apply to be a Senate Page for the summer session in Washington, DC.

The deadline for summer applications is March 6.

“The page program allows students to have a front row seat during debates in the U.S. Senate,” Enzi said. “The program will provide experiences that participants will carry with them forever.”

Page duties consist primarily of delivering correspondence and legislative material at the Capitol. Other duties include preparing the Senate chamber for sessions and carrying bills and amendments to the appropriate people on the Senate floor.

Summer Page eligibility is limited to high school students who will be 16 or 17 years old on or before the date the session begins. Applicants must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0.

Pages live in Webster Hall located near the Capitol and receive a stipend to cover the cost of the residence. Breakfast and dinner are provided daily.

The summer session is split into two. Summer session I is from June 10 – June 28, 2013. Summer session II is from July 8 – August 2, 2013. The application due date for both sessions is March 6. Applications and additional information can be found by going to Further questions can be directed to Dianne Kirkbride in Senator Enzi’s Cheyenne office at 307-772-2477 or