Langevin Statement on Republican Government Shutdown

Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) issued the following statement after Republicans failed in their duty to keep the government open:

“Early this morning, President Trump and his Republican allies marked the one year anniversary of his Presidency with a deeply regrettable and completely avoidable failure to fund the government. It is sadly unsurprising that his chaotic first year in office has culminated in a government shutdown.

“The Trump shutdown will have real effects on Rhode Islanders, disrupting government services for veterans, seniors, and children, and leaving federal employees and members of our armed services in limbo. Republicans have already pushed off the funding deadline three times, first so they could pass their deeply flawed tax bill and then due to disagreements in their own ranks about how best to govern. At any point, they could have reached out across the aisle to set budget levels, restore funding to community health centers, aid communities ravaged by floods and fires, and protect young immigrants. Instead, they chose to go it alone, and the country is suffering for their failure of leadership.

“The President rejected several opportunities, including as recently as yesterday afternoon, to come to a reasonable compromise. When the time came to close the deal, he walked away from the table. Faced with the consequences of the Trump shutdown, I hope the President moves quickly to reverse course and embrace the bipartisan solutions we urgently need.”