FAA Reauthorization Passes with Langevin Provisions Protecting Passengers with Disabilities

Sep 26, 2018 Issues: Budget, Disabilities, Transportation

WASHINGTON - Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI), co-chair of the Bipartisan Disabilities Caucus, issued the following statement today after the House passed the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act of 2018:

“I am pleased that after several acrimonious and partisan debates, we have come to a consensus on a bill that reauthorizes programs at the FAA and adds critical consumer protections for air travelers. This legislation makes considerable progress in strengthening the rights of airline passengers by requiring that the FAA set minimum seat sizes, increasing transparency on compensation policies related to delays and lost luggage, and preventing people from being bumped once they’ve boarded a flight.

“I am especially proud that several components of the Air Carrier Access Amendments Act I introduced with Senator Baldwin have been included in the reauthorization. Despite years of progress, air travelers with disabilities are still more likely to encounter delays, missed flights, and even suffer personal injury. The bill we passed today will help combat discrimination by adding a bill of rights for passengers with disabilities and creating an advisory committee to amplify the voice of that community. I am also proud that it includes an amendment I offered during initial House consideration that requires the Secretary of Transportation to review regulations about assistance airline and airport personnel must provide to passengers with disabilities. 

“This bill is an example of the progress that can be achieved when Republicans and Democrats in Congress set aside their partisan differences and work together. I look forward to see this measure signed into law and continuing my fight for stronger protections so that all travelers can fly with dignity.”