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Oct 3, 2018 Press Release

Congressman Kevin McCarthy released the following statement on President Trump’s signing of the Fiscal Year 2019 Department of Defense and Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Act and Continuing Appropriations Act (H.R.

Oct 2, 2018 Press Release

Today, Congressman Kevin McCarthy announced that the U.S.

Oct 1, 2018 Press Release

Congressman Kevin McCarthy released the following statement on the announcement of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement:

“President Trump has proved his critics wrong again by delivering on his promise to renegotiate NAFTA in America’s favor.

Sep 28, 2018 Press Release

Congressman Kevin McCarthy released the following statement on the passage the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act:

Sep 26, 2018 Press Release

Congressman Kevin McCarthy spoke on the House floor today in support of H.Res.1071, condemning voting by non-citizens in local elections. 

NOTE: H. Res. 1071 was adopted – 279 Yeas, 72 Nays, 69 Present–*ALL DEMOCRATS

Republicans: 230-1
Democrats: 49-71-69

Sep 26, 2018 Press Release

Congressman Kevin McCarthy discusses Tax 2.0, how Democrat-led cities are disenfranchising Americans, and the House's report card.

Excerpts are below, or watch online here.

Sep 25, 2018 Press Release

Congressman Kevin McCarthy released the following statement in support of H.R. 6735, the Public-Private Cybersecurity Cooperation Act.

"This is a bill that will make our government safer from cyber threats, while also encouraging citizens to be more involved in their government.

Sep 13, 2018 Press Release

Congressman Kevin McCarthy released the following statement on the passage of three funding bills for FY2019:

“The Republican-led Congress is committed to restoring the American People’s trust in their government. That means restoring Congress to full working order.


In The News

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Fixing California’s drought challenge remains my top priority in Congress, and I will continue to work with my House colleagues, the president and Sens. Feinstein and Boxer to find a solution that gets water flowing to the communities in our state that so desperately need it.
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Today’s groundbreaking is the first step in establishing a center for learning for our students that reflects the cutting edge advances that our Ridgecrest community is known for.
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The research, development, testing and evaluation that is conducted within our community at China Lake and Edwards cannot be replicated anywhere in the world.
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Secretary of Defense Ash Carter said the high quality of scientific and engineering work going on at China Lake is one reason he was visiting Tuesday. 

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On Friday at Gateway Elementary School they held their monthly assembly recognizing students for their achievements and Principal Lisa Decker handed out the awards to them.

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Eager to help, McCarthy volunteered to read a question at the next year's competition, but got held up in Washington, D.C., the night of the event, so not wanting to disappoint, he stood at the steps of the Capitol armed with a smartphone and sent the recording to Adams, sparking a tradition.
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Late last week, Congress passed the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act, a bipartisan legislative package. The legislation makes more than 20 tax provisions permanent, prevents tax increases for millions of Americans, and provides tax relief for small businesses.
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The passage of Majority Leader McCarthy’s Space Act, along with my committed efforts in the California Legislature, will ensure that California’s commercial space industry continues to grow and thrive.
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In their five-year bill, the California Emergency Drought Relief and Water Storage Act of 2015, we think the Republicans went far enough in accommodating Democratic demands, such as saving fish and assistance to communities hit by drought.
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Nobody knows when, or even if, recreational human spaceflight will make the transition to commercial viability, but the new law gives it a fighting chance, which is all the industry is asking for.
