A Super Bowl Ad You Won't See ...

Tackled at tax time:

  • Yahoo! Finance: Millions to owe Obamacare tax penalty
  • New Hampshire Union Leader: Editorial: Obamacare ‘surprise: More tax bill headaches
  • The Hill: Feds: Up to 6 million will face ObamaCare penalty
  • York Dispatch: Affordable Care Act mandate might mean unhappy tax surprise for some
  • The Hill: Medical device groups blame ObamaCare tax for job losses
  • Townhall: Opinion: CBO: By the Way, Obamacare Will Cost Taxpayers $2 Trillion Over the Next Decade

Penalized by higher costs:

  • Newsmax: CBO Report: Obamacare to Cost Government $50K Per Person
  • The Week: CBO: ObamaCare spends $50,000 per person who gets insured
  • CNN Money: Cost keeps uninsured from enrolling in Obamacare
  • The Morning Consult: Cost Still Deterring Obamacare Sign-Ups
  • Hartford Courant: Report: Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Declines, Becomes More Expensive
  • Independent Journal Review: Obamacare Is Colossally Over Budget According To Latest Numbers from the Congressional Budget Office
  • Fiscal Times: $1 Billion a Year in Redundant Obamacare Programs

Sacked by a broken law:

  • New York Post: Opinion: Endlessly slapped by ObamaCare
  • KRNV News 4: Is the Affordable Care Act killing full time jobs?
  • Washington Times: Editorial: Doubling down on disaster
  • Albany Business Review: How the Affordable Care Act is threatening choice in medicine
  • Forbes: Opinion: Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion Is Nothing to Brag About
  • NBC 9 News: Glitch cancels up to 3,600 Colorado health plan renewals