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Buffett gimmick advances politics of envy

“Tax fairness” trades tough decisions for political distractions

April 16, 2012

The “Buffett Rule,” which would raise taxes on many small business owners to pay for more Washington spending, does not address rising gas prices, high unemployment, or trillion dollar deficits, according to U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., who said that the Senate majority’s proposal is nothing more than a political gimmick intended to distract Americans from the tough political decisions that cannot wait until after the 2012 elections.

Enzi issued the following comments today.

“The Senate majority is turning the nation’s attention to a talking point, a shell, a sham, a political hoax designed to distract this country from our real financial problems and the real solutions we will need to get us out of this mess.  The “Buffett Rule” is by President Obama’s own admission, a gimmick.  Our country can no longer afford photo op governance.

“There is a better path forward to achieve the desired result of the “Buffett Rule.”  That path includes comprehensive tax reform that results in a tax code that is simple, fair, and pro-growth.  If we combine that with appropriate spending cuts our country will be able to get out from under the heavy weight of our current and escalating debt burden. 

“This bill is not a significant debt and deficit reduction measure.  It’s simply an attempt to raise taxes on owners of capital and job creators when they can least afford it.  It’s not a step in the right direction because it distracts us from real solutions.  It’s a political stunt.”

To read Senator Enzi’s full statement on the Paying a Fair Share Act of 2012, S.2230, dubbed the “Buffett Rule,” click here.