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U.S. Senator Mike Enzi and his wife Diana Enzi paid tribute to America’s heroes at a Veterans Day Ceremony and Veterans Day Wreath Laying Ceremony in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The Enzi’s joined Wyoming veterans and their families in remembering the sacrifices of our brave men and women in uniform.

“Each year on November 11 we come together as individuals and as a nation to express our heartfelt gratitude to our veterans for the countless sacrifices they have made over the years on our behalf,” said Enzi.  “Thanks to them, our nation is strong and free, and our American way of life that we are so justifiably proud of continues to be protected and preserved.”

In Washington, D.C., Senator Enzi and Diana have attended several Wyoming Honor Flight activities throughout the year, including the final Wyoming Honor Flight, where World War II veterans from across the state visit the nation’s capital to see the World War II Memorial. Veterans visit the memorial and participate in a wreath-laying ceremony at Wyoming’s pillar. 

“Thanks to the caring and support of people all across the country, veterans have been able to come to Washington to visit the World War II Memorial so they could see and experience for themselves this tangible expression of our appreciation for their service to the nation.  In the years to come the Memorial will stand as a constant reminder that freedom isn’t free.  It comes to us at great cost from the contributions that have been made by all those who have served and continue to do so at posts all over the world. 

“As I met with each of the veterans on this final flight, as I had with so many others, I was immediately struck by the love each one has in abundance for our country.  It was clear.  Each one had something unique to contribute to the service of our nation and they were all grateful to have had the opportunity to do so.  It was their way of giving something back for the great gift of citizenship they had been blessed to receive. 

“That is why, on this day that means so much to each one of us, we should take a moment to acknowledge and thank our veterans for their efforts which have made such a difference here and wherever they have served.  Thanks to them, the world is a much better place.  God bless them all.”

To see video from the most recent Honor Flight, visit or click here.