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Congresswoman Joyce Beatty

Representing the 3rd District of Ohio



Beatty on Immigration

We are a nation of immigrants. As such, we need an immigration system that reflects those values, one that is humane and grounded in common sense and accountability.

Read more below, or please contact my office for more information concerning my work and views on Immigration.

More on Immigration

Nov 9, 2018 News Articles profiles Congresswoman Beatty.
Oct 12, 2018 News Articles
Senators Harris and Representatives Beatty, Thompson, Nadler, and Lofgren led a bicameral letter calling on Homeland Security to cease deportation of Black Mauritanian nationals.
Oct 9, 2018 Press Release
Beatty recently convened a meeting with members of Central Ohio’s growing Mauritanian community, nonprofits, national experts, and other local leaders to discuss the plight of area families
Sep 28, 2018 Announcements
Beatty submits statement to the Congressional Record urging Congressional action on healthcare, immigration reform, and economic inequality.
Sep 7, 2018 Press Release
Congresswoman Beatty reacts to news reports of individuals and families being torn apart.
Aug 26, 2018 News Articles
As the drama surrounding the guilty plea of the president’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen and the conviction of his former campaign manager Paul Manafort played out in Washington, members of Congress are home in their districts campaigning and trying to talk about issues that are important to their constituents.
Jun 20, 2018 News Articles
President Donald Trump’s reversal of course on a policy that separated undocumented immigrant children from their parents
Jun 19, 2018 News Articles
Ohio lawmakers criticize separating kids from parents at border.
Jun 19, 2018 News Articles
Ohio elected officials criticize Trump immigration policies.
