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Napolitano Slams Interior Department’s Lack of Transparency in Monuments Review

August 24, 2017
Press Release

(EL MONTE, CA) Today, Rep. Grace F. Napolitano slammed the U.S. Department of Interior for lack of transparency after releasing only a summary of the report on the Trump Administration’s review of certain National Monuments, including the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, issuing the following statement:

“This administration and Secretary Zinke have shut out the voices of the public, turning a review of some of our precious monuments into one of the least transparent and most complicated federal processes. The review was announced on April 26 of this year through an Executive Order by President Trump, yet we in the San Gabriel Valley have still not heard from the Secretary. I placed several requests to Secretary Zinke’s office, inviting him to come to California, visit our monument, and to speak with local residents, businesses, and city officials. I never received a response. I additionally sent a detailed letter describing the history and importance of the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument to our community. If the Secretary is not taking the time to meet with nearby locals nor sharing details of proposed changes to these monuments, then who really controls this process? How can the Secretary make a decision behind closed doors in Washington, DC without stepping foot in Southern California? It looks as though no monuments will be fully eliminated as a result of this review, but we sincerely hope Secretary Zinke publicly releases his recommendations and changes to existing monuments he sent to the White House today. The public, including 2.4 million Americans who submitted comments on the process, has every right to know. As we await details relating to the future of our national monuments, I will continue to fight to protect our limited green space in Los Angeles County and across the country.”

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