Cmte Appropriations (R)

Chairman Frelinghuysen Statement on Postponement of Conference Meeting

Washington, Jul 12 -

House Appropriations Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen today released the following statement on the postponement of the House and Senate Conference Committee meeting on the Energy and Water, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Legislative Branch Appropriations bills. 

“Unfortunately, the Conference meeting today was postponed due to scheduling conflicts. We will reschedule the meeting soon.

“The House was not aware that any amendment would have been offered this morning, nor what the content of any amendment may have been.

“The Appropriations Committee and the House support full funding for our veterans, which is why the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs bill the House passed in June fully funds the President’s request for the VA Choice Program, and provides a total of $85.3 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs – the largest total dollar amount for the VA in history. Going forward throughout this Conference Committee process, the House will continue to fight for every dollar our veterans need and deserve,” Chairman Frelinghuysen said.

