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Congressman Rob Woodall

Representing the 7th District of Georgia

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February 5, 2018 In The News
Woodall, R-Ga., recently visited the Marena Group, whose apparel covers a wide range of fields, from surgical recovery to athletic performance improvement. The congressman’s office said he highlighted the importance of job-creators and policy-makers working together during his visit to the 24-year old company, which was founded by Vera and Bill Watkins.
May 1, 2017 In The News

The big things take time. They always do. We all prefer immediate results that align exactly with our own notion of what’s best, but such scenarios rarely exist — if at all — and certainly not when building consensus in a place like Washington, D.C.

That said, in the first 100 days of President Trump’s presidency, we’ve seen a great deal of forward progress. Now I read the same newspapers you all do, and I see the same striking absence of these success stories, but that is not because there aren’t any to report.

November 14, 2016 In The News
The Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce hosted a grand opening for a new financial planning firm in Duluth this week.
November 10, 2016 In The News
U.S. Rep. Rob Woodall won a fourth term in Congress on Tuesday, but most of the local Republican’s excitement on Wednesday was focused on who will be occupying the White House for the next four years rather than his own victory.