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Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi

Representing the 8th District of Illinois

Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi: Former FBI Director Comey’s Testimony Could Prove Very Helpful To Investigations Of The 2016 Election and Its Aftermath, And So Will The Release Of The Interview Transcript

December 4, 2018
Press Release

SCHAUMBURG, IL – Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi released the following statement on James Comey’s upcoming interview with the Oversight and Judiciary Committees, the transcript of which will be released the following day:

“I look forward to questioning former FBI Director Comey on Friday, and though I wanted a public hearing, I’m glad that the release of the interview transcript will reveal the reality of what’s discussed. There are serious questions and issues from the 2016 election and its aftermath which Mr. Comey can address. A public record of his testimony will help us avoid the leak-driven misrepresentations which we’ve witnessed in this ongoing GOP fishing expedition regarding Hillary Clinton.”