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Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi

Representing the 8th District of Illinois

“I would bet my life that Bob Mueller will do things the right way”: Former FBI Director James Comey Informs Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi and the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees

December 8, 2018
Press Release

SCHAUMBURG, IL – Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi of the Oversight Committee issued the following statement upon the release of previously confidential transcripts from yesterday's joint Oversight and Judiciary Committee interview with James Comey:

"Yesterday we called Mr. Comey, the right witness for the wrong investigation. While my Republican colleagues wasted an entire day harping on the Hillary Clinton email investigation, I came away with a few important takeaways:

1) James Comey said yesterday: “I would bet my life that Bob Mueller will do things the right way”

2) The real investigation Congress should be asking Former Director Comey about is Russian meddling in our elections, as well as the Trump campaign's willingness to undermine the foundation of our democracy in order to build a Trump Tower Moscow.

3) Republicans keep trying to push the ‘Hillary investigation’ into overtime, but this wild goose chase will come to an end at the conclusion of this Congress.  Despite Republican efforts to challenge the integrity of the FBI in order to delegitimize Special Counsel Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling, Mueller's credibility continues to strengthen in the public eye.

I strongly encourage my constituents, and all Americans who long to preserve the health of our democracy and our elections, to take a look at the transcript. It is abundantly clear that House Republicans are pursuing a last-ditch effort to undermine Mueller and provide cover for the President’s actions - both during the 2016 campaign and since taking office.

I look forward to working with incoming Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings to restore checks and balances to our government.”


The transcript of yesterday’s interview with Former FBI Director James Comey is available here