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Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi

Representing the 8th District of Illinois


Latest News

July 26, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi of the Oversight Committee issued the following statement in response to the articles of impeachment filed against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein by Representatives Mark Meadows (R-NC) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) with 9 of their House Republican colleagues:

July 25, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House passed H.R. 2353, the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act. This legislation, led by Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL) and Congressman Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (R-PA), has now passed both the House and Senate unanimously, and will be sent to the President for signature into law.

July 19, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Yesterday, the House passed H.R. 6147, an appropriations bill to fund the Department of the Interior, Environmental Protection Agency and other related agencies, which included an amendment coauthored by Congressmen Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL) and Steven Palazzo (R-MS).

July 18, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Krishnamoorthi’s Keeping Russian Entanglements Minimal and Limiting Intelligence Networks (KREMLIN) Act was included in Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer’s Secure America from Russian Interference Act, an omnibus bill that lays out the steps necessary to secure America’s elections, and counteract any interference from Russia and other foreign actors.

July 17, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Friday, Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi urged Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy and Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte to convene hearings on FBI leaks to Rudy Giuliani during the 2016 presidential campaign and potentially since.

July 17, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last week, Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi introduced the No Security Clearance for Hate Groups Act as part of the larger effort to end the approval of security clearances for those who are associated with known hate groups.

July 16, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi released the following statement in response to today’s meeting between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin:

July 13, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi released the following statement in response to Special Counsel Rod Rosenstein’s announcement of 12 indictments for Russian hackers who stole data and documents from the Democratic National Committee, state boards of elections, secretaries of state, and many other key organizations who make up our democratic infrastructure:

July 11, 2018 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi wrote to the Archivist of the United States yesterday to urge him to make public all documents related to Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s public service as the Obama administration did for the Supreme Court nomination of Elena Kagan.

July 10, 2018 Press Release

SCHAUMBURG, IL – Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi issued the following statement in response to President Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, to the Supreme Court:
