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Congress.gov New, Tip, and Top for December 2018

Robert shared last month about the new subcommittee features and other enhancements.  In September, he announced the Congress.gov Chrome extension.  We have now updated the Chrome extension.  You can download the new version from LC Labs.  Be sure to share your feedback.

New Enhancements for November 2018

We are continuing to work on the new Committee Schedule.  What else was a part of this release?

Enhancement – Search – Track multiple searches within a user session

  • Open up to 10 browser tabs to conduct multiple searches. Your search results, including next and previous navigation, are retained for each search for up to one hour.

Backend – Preparation for 116th Congress

  • Site updates to add the 116th Congress completed in development environment.

Backend – Changes to ETL (extract/transform/load) programs to use govinfo as GPO source

  • Completed development work for all collections to ingest GPO data from govinfo.gov.

Search Tip

Adrienne shared the following tip to Subscribe to Congress.gov Notifications:

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To subscribe, visit the Congress.gov RSS and Email Alerts page at https://www.congress.gov/rss. You may subscribe to RSS and/or email delivery.

For email alertsclick the blue envelope to the right of Congress.gov Notifications in the subscription list. At the prompt, enter the email address at which you prefer to receive alerts.

Top 10

What were the latest Most-Viewed Bills on Congress.gov? Each item below is from the current Congress.

1. H.R.7115 3D Firearms Prohibitions Act
2. S.J.Res.54 A joint resolution to direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress.
3. H.R.5682 FIRST STEP Act
4. H.R.1 An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018.
5. H.R.5428 Stand with UK against Russia Violations Act
6. H.R.7150 H-4 Employment Protection Act of 2018
7. H.R.38 Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017
8. H.R.1918 Nicaraguan Investment Conditionality Act (NICA) of 2017
9. H.R.6 SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act
10. H.R.392 Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2017

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