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The appropriations table provides convenient access to continuing appropriations, omnibus appropriations, supplemental appropriations, regular appropriations, and budget resolutions. Learn more about legislative appropriations and the Federal budget.  Subscribe to appropriations alerts from RSS and Email Alerts.


Fiscal Year: 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998


Latest Update                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Added House roll call vote on H.R.695 to the continuing appropriations entry. 12/21/2018


Fiscal Year 2019

 Omnibus Appropriations


LegislationSubcommittee ApprovalCommittee ApprovalInitial PassageConference ReportFinal PassagePublic Law
HouseSenateHouseSenateHouseSenate HouseSenate 








 Continuing Appropriations


LegislationSubcommittee ApprovalCommittee ApprovalInitial PassageConference ReportFinal PassagePublic Law
HouseSenateHouseSenateHouseSenate HouseSenate 


On 12/19/2018, the Senate took up and passed H.R.695. The measure as amended by the Senate, provides continuing appropriations for seven remaining appropriations bills, Agriculture; Commerce, Justice, Science; Financial Services and General Government; Homeland Security; Interior; State, Foreign Operations: and Transportation, Housing and Urban Development.  See Senate Appropriations Committee 12/18/2018 press release and House Rules Committee site for summary information and the full text of the measure.

On 12/20/2018, the House agreed to a further amendment to H.R. 695 by a roll call vote. The House amendment extends the initial CR (Div. C of P.L. 115-245) through 2/08/2019, as the Senate amendment did, and also includes an additional $5.7 billion for U.S. Customs and Border Protection – Procurement, Construction, and Improvements, and an additional $7.81 billion for disaster relief.  

    Roll call vote: 12/20/2018

Voice vote:




H.J.Res.143       Unanimous Consent: 12/06/2018 Voice Vote:

Signed by the President on 12/07/2018



Note: Appropriations for DOD, Labor/HHS/Education and Continuing Appropriations for all other agencies (Division C of H.Rept. 115-952)


Roll call vote: 06/13/2018

H.Rept. 115-769


Roll call vote: 06/28/2018

Roll call vote: 08/23/2018

H.Rept. 115-952Roll call vote: 09/26/2018Roll call vote: 09/18/2018

Signed by the President on 9/28/2018


 Supplemental Appropriations

 LegislationSubcommittee ApprovalCommittee ApprovalInitial PassageConference ReportFinal PassagePublic Law
 House Senate House Senate HouseSenate   HouseSenate  






 Regular Appropriations


LegislationSubcommittee ApprovalCommittee ApprovalInitial PassageConference ReportFinal PassagePublic Law
 House Senate House Senate HouseSenate   HouseSenate  


See H.R.6147 and House Committee Print 115-81 for the text of the combined FY2019 appropriations for Agriculture, Financial and General Government (FGG), Interior, and Transportation/HUD.

Voice vote: 05/09/2018


Roll call vote: 05/16/2018

H.Rept. 115-706


S.2976 Voice vote: 05/22/2018


Roll call vote: 05/24/2018


H.R.5952Voice vote: 05/09/2018 

Roll call vote: 05/17/2018

H.Rept. 115-704



S.3072 Roll call vote: 06/12/2018 

Roll call vote: 06/14/2018




Notes: The Senate amended H.R. 6157 as a consolidated appropriations measure including, by division, FY2019 appropriations for Defense and Labor/HHS/Education. 


Roll call vote: 06/13/2018

H.Rept. 115-769

 Roll call vote: 06/28/2018Roll call vote: 08/23/2018H.Rept. 115-952Roll call vote: 09/26/2018 Roll call vote: 09/18/2018

Signed by the President on 9/28/2018



 Voice vote: 06/26/2018 

Roll call vote: 06/28/2018


Energy and Water


Notes: FY2019 Consolidated Appropriations Act. The House combined the Energy and Water appropriations and two other regular appropriations acts (Legislative Branch and Military Construction-Veterans Affairs) into H.R. 5895, when it agreed to H. Res. 918 on 6/06/2018.  H. Res. 918 as well as H.Res. 923 (agreed to on 6/07/2018), provided for the consideration of H.R. 5895. The reported consolidated measure contains FY2019 Energy and Water appropriations in Division A, FY2019 Legislative Branch appropriations in Division B, and FY2019 Military Construction - Veterans Affairs appropriations in Division C.  See also H. Rept. 115-712. The House passed the measure on 6/08/2018.

The Senate also considered the Energy and Water appropriations act with the Legislative Branch and Military-Construction-Veterans Affairs appropriations as a consolidated bill (H.R. 5895 as amended). The Senate passed the measure on 6/25/2018.

See Division A of H.Rept. 115-929 for Energy and Water appropriations

Voice vote: 05/07/2018 

Roll call vote: 05/16/2018



Roll call vote: 06/08/2018

Roll call vote: 06/25/2018H.Rept. 115-929Roll call vote: 09/13/2018Roll call vote: 09/12/2018

Signed by the President on 9/21/2018


S.2975 Voice vote: 05/22/2018


Roll call vote: 05/24/2018


Financial Services


See H.R.6147  and House Committee Print 115-81  for the text of the combined FY2019 appropriations for Agriculture, Financial and General Government (FGG), Interior, and Transportation/HUD


Roll Call vote: 06/13/2018




S.3107 Unanimous consent: 06/19/2018H.Rept. 115-948

Roll call vote: 06/21/2018

S.Rept. 115-281

Homeland Security


 Voice vote: 06/19/2018


Roll call vote: 06/21/2018


H.R.6776Voice vote: 7/19/2018 

Roll call vote: 07/25/2018

H.Rept. 115-948

Interior and Environment


House Committee Print 115-81  for the text of the combined FY2019 appropriations for Agriculture, Financial and General Government (FGG), Interior, and Transportation/HUD

Voice vote: 05/15/2018 

Roll call vote: 06/06/2018


 Roll call vote: 07/19/2018Roll call vote: 08/01/2018    
S.3073 Roll call vote: 06/12/2018 

Roll call vote: 06/14/2018




Notes: See also H.R.6157 a consolidated appropriations measure including by division FY2019 appropriations for DOD, and Labor/HHS/Education

Voice vote: 06/15/2018 

Roll call vote: 07/11/2018




S.3158 Voice vote:  06/26/2018 

Roll call vote: 06/28/2018


Legislative Branch


Voice vote: 04/26/2018 

Voice vote: 05/08/2018






See FY2019 Energy and Water entry.

Notes: FY2019 Consolidated Appropriations Act. The House combined the Energy and Water appropriations and two other regular appropriations acts (Legislative Branch and Military Construction-Veterans Affairs) into H.R. 5895, when it agreed to H. Res. 918 on 6/06/2018.  H. Res. 918 as well as H.Res. 923 (agreed to on 6/07/2018), provided for the consideration of H.R. 5895. The reported consolidated measure contains FY2019 Energy and Water appropriations in Division A, FY2019 Legislative Branch appropriations in Division B, and FY2019 Military Construction - Veterans Affairs appropriations in Division C.  See also H. Rept. 115-712. The House passed the measure on 6/08/2018.

The Senate also considered the Energy and Water appropriations act with the Legislative Branch and Military-Construction-Veterans Affairs appropriations as a consolidated bill (H.R. 5895 as amended). The Senate passed the measure on 6/25/2018.

See Division B of H.Rept. 115-929 for Legislative branch appropriations.


Voice vote: 05/07/2018 

Roll call vote: 05/16/2018


 Roll call vote: 06/08/2018  Roll call vote: 06/25/2018    
S.3071 Roll call vote: 06/12/2018 

Roll call vote: 06/14/2018


H.R.5786Voice vote: 04/26/2018 

Voice vote: 05/08/2018

H.Rept. 115-673





S.3024 Unanimous Consent: 06/05/2018 

Roll call vote: 06/07/2018




See FY2019 Energy and Water entry.

Notes: FY2019 Consolidated Appropriations Act. The House combined the Energy and Water appropriations and two other regular appropriations acts (Legislative Branch and Military Construction-Veterans Affairs) into H.R. 5895, when it agreed to H. Res. 918 on 6/06/2018.  H. Res. 918 as well as H.Res. 923 (agreed to on 6/07/2018), provided for the consideration of H.R. 5895. The reported consolidated measure contains FY2019 Energy and Water appropriations in Division A, FY2019 Legislative Branch appropriations in Division B, and FY2019 Military Construction - Veterans Affairs appropriations in Division C.  See also H. Rept. 115-712. The House passed the measure on 6/08/2018.

The Senate also considered the Energy and Water appropriations act with the Legislative Branch and Military-Construction-Veterans Affairs appropriations as a consolidated bill (H.R. 5895 as amended). The Senate passed the measure on 6/25/2018.

See Division C of H.Rept. 115-929 for Military/Veterans appropriations.


Voice vote: 05/07/2018 

Roll call vote: 05/16/2018


 Roll call vote: 06/08/2018  Roll call vote: 06/25/2018    
State/Foreign Operations
H.R.6385Voice vote: 06/13/2018 

Roll call vote: 06/20/2018



S.3108 Voice vote: 06/19/2018 

Roll call vote: 06/21/2018

S.Rept. 115-282



See H.R.6147  and House Committee Print 115-81  for the text of the combined FY2019 appropriations for Agriculture, Financial and General Government (FGG), Interior, and Transportation/HUD

Voice vote: 05/16/2018 

Roll call vote: 05/23/2018



S.3023 Voice vote: 06/05/2018 

Roll call vote: 06/07/2018



 Budget Resolutions

Note: The President does not sign Budget Resolutions.

LegislationCommittee ApprovalInitial PassageConference ReportFinal Passage
House  Senate House Senate House  Senate

Roll call vote: 06/21/2018




302(b) suballocations: S.Rept.115-260; S.Rept.115-267; H.Rept.115-710; S.Rept. 115-273; S.Rept. 115-279; H.Rept.115-779; S.Rept.115-287; S.Rept.115-288; H.Rept.115-897; S.Rept.115-323, S.Rept. 115-337S. Rept. 115-338S. Rept. 115-340

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