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Pursuant to Public Law 93-191, the bipartisan Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards or the "Franking Commission" has a three fold mandate: (1) to issue regulations governing the proper use of the franking privilege; (2) to provide guidance in connection with mailings; (3) to act as a quasi-judicial body for the disposition of formal complaints against Members of Congress who have allegedly violated franking laws or regulations.

Mass Mailings

Title 39 U.S.C. Section 3210 (a)(6)(A) provides that a Member may not send mass mailings during the 90 days immediately preceding the date of any election (primary, general, special, or run off) in which the Member’s name will appear on the ballot as a candidate for election or re-election to any public office.

The documents listed below are provided in an interactive PDF format.
The Commission on Congressional Mailing Standards (Franking Commission) has amended the regulations governing the procedures applicable to the submission of a request for an Advisory Opinion regarding the frankability of mass communications to be used to give notice of recurring official events.


Nov 1, 2016 | Site Page