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Enzi pleased 1099 health tax provision is almost history

Will continue work on overall health care law repeal

February 2, 2011

Washington, D.C. – Tonight U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee voted in support of repealing the burdensome 1099 provision in the health care reform law.
“One of the most egregious portions of the health care reform law would force 40 million businesses to submit a separate 1099 form to the IRS for every business-to-business transaction that totals more than $600 in a year. Thankfully, senators heard the outcry from small businesses and put a stop to this harmful provision,” said Enzi. “I hope this repeal is the first of many to come.”
The Senate passed the amendment to strike the 1099 provision by a vote of 81-17. Enzi co-sponsored a similar measure to remove the 1099 provision offered by U.S. Senator Mike Johanns, R-Neb. The House must also act on the measure. The Senate also voted on repealing the entire health care law but the full repeal failed by a vote of 47-51.
“I said long ago, when given the opportunity, I would vote to repeal the health law. The American people deserve a second vote on this law which was forced through Congress last year. The health care law increases the cost of care and actually reduces consumer choices. Further, the underserved and uninsured populations this law originally hoped to address will now be forced into Medicaid, our nation’s worst health insurance program.  This law is bad for Americans, and bad for our economy.
 “Over the past two years, taxpayers have been asked to foot the bill for a failed trillion-dollar stimulus, while unemployment continues to rise. From new tax burdens to new mandates, the health care law creates insurmountable obstacles for many businesses, particularly small businesses, to create jobs and grow the economy. Today Senate Republicans sent a message that we will keep our promise to overturn the current law, and instead, expand coverage, lower costs and promote economic growth,” said Enzi.