Congressman Bob Gibbs

Representing the 7th District of Ohio

In The News

April 1, 2013 In The News
“I am glad the Ohio congressional delegation was able to work together to ensure these hard working men and women are able to continue their mission. The 179th has been key to our nation's security efforts for over 60 years, and I am relieved that the Obama Administration has changed their mind after announcing their plan to eliminate 800 jobs here in Mansfield.” -- U.S. Rep. Bob Gibbs
March 7, 2013 In The News
After Obama announced last week he was stopping White House tours beginning March 9 because of mandatory budget cuts, Stivers sent a letter - signed by 55 other House members including Reps. Bob Gibbs, R-Lakeville, Bill Johnson, R-Marietta, Jim Renacci, R-Wadsworth, Brad Wenstrup, R-Cincinnati and Pat Tiberi, R-Genoa Twp. - urging Obama to reconsider.
March 6, 2013 In The News
Being nominated as administrator of the EPA is quite an achievement for Gina McCarthy, and in all of the pomp and circumstance surrounding this appointment, I thought I would try to give a few words of advice to the new administrator as she takes over at a critical time in our nation’s history as it relates to the environment.
February 28, 2013 In The News
U.S. Rep. Bob Gibbs says hydraulic fracturing by the oil and gas industry represents a huge economic and energy opportunity for Ohio and beyond.
February 28, 2013 In The News
"House Republicans have passed two separate bills to replace the sequester with responsible cuts that equal or exceed the sequester cuts. Unfortunately, the Democrat-controlled Senate did not bring either piece of legislation to the floor. The Senate and President have not put forth details of their cuts to reduce our nation's outrageous spending habits." - U.S. Rep Bob Gibbs (OH-7)
February 28, 2013 In The News
The economic, energy, and national security benefits associated with building the Keystone XL Pipeline are clear. Construction of the pipeline would produce thousands of jobs, and gas prices, which are currently hovering at $3.78 per gallon in Ohio, would begin to decline.
February 26, 2013 In The News
Unfortunately, the USPS is facing financial challenges. and without any changes, taxpayers could be stuck with a bill that reaches into billions of dollars.
January 31, 2013 In The News
State and federal legislators said Tuesday maintaining a mission at the 179th Airlift Wing of the Ohio National Guard at Lahm Airport remains atop their respective agendas.
January 31, 2013 In The News
"Responsibly managing our nation’s finances must be the top priority, and 'No Budget No Pay' brings us one step closer to holding our colleagues across the aisle accountable for not doing so." -Rep. Gibbs
December 14, 2012 In The News
“President Obama’s plan to address the fiscal cliff is ignoring spending cuts and reforms which, in my mind, must be included in any deal that is reached,” said U.S. Rep. Bob Gibbs, R-Lakeville, elected to represent the reconfigured 7th district, which includes northern Richland County, starting in January.
