Congressman Michael McCaul

Representing the 10th District of Texas

Art Competition

The Congressional Art Competition is a nationwide art competition sponsored by the Congressional Arts Caucus and provides Members of Congress an excellent opportunity to showcase the work of creative high school students in their districts.

The Congressional Art Competition provides an opportunity for high school students across the country to exhibit their artwork and receive national recognition.  Since its creation in 1982, hundreds of thousands of high school students have been invited to participate at the local level. 

High school students throughout the 10th Congressional District are invited to participate in this event by submitting their works of art for the competition. The winning entry from my congressional district will be hung in the Cannon Tunnel leading to the U.S. Capitol Building for one year, where it will be seen by thousands of people. The winner also has an opportunity to meet with other similarly talented young artists at the unveiling of their works in Washington, D.C at a ribbon-cutting ceremony during the month of June.

Students whose permanent residence address is within the tenth congressional district are eligible to participate. Below click the link below to access the Congressional Art Competition Guidelines, as well as a student release form. 

Artwork for students interested in competing in the competition is due in my Austin, Brenham or Tomball office by Thursday, April 27th, 2018. 

It is important to note, that students do not have to create a piece of artwork specifically for this competition; rather students can use an already existing piece of artwork from their portfolio as long as it meets the competition guidelines and is an original piece by the student. For further information or details or for additional assistance in dropping off the artwork, please contact Robyn Hess in my Austin office at (512) 473-2357.

The Congressional Art Competition began in 1982 to provide an opportunity for members of Congress to encourage and recognize the artistic talents of their young constituents. Since then, over 650,000 high school students have been involved with the nationwide competition.

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Entry Information
Medium—Please Select One


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