Congressman Michael McCaul

Representing the 10th District of Texas

Service Academy Nominations


I am pleased to learn of your interest in seeking a nomination to one of the United States Service Academies. The privilege of nominating outstanding young individuals from the 10th Congressional District to be considered for appointment to our nation’s service academies is one of the most enjoyable responsibilities of serving as a Member of Congress.

To be considered for an appointment to a service academy, an applicant must meet the minimum admissions standards set by each individual service academy and receive a nomination from an official source such as the applicant’s United States Senators, United States Representative, or the Vice President of the United States.  Applicants should pursue all avenues to increase their chances of securing a nomination.  Beginning in May of an applicant’s junior year in high school, the student may request in writing a nomination application packet from my Austin district office.

The nomination cycle for the Class of 2023, entering in summer 2019 is OPEN. The deadline to submit nomination packets will be Friday, November 9, 2018.  For more information, to request an application packet, or if you have any questions, please contact:

Academy Nominations Coordinator - Robyn Hess
Office of Congressman Michael T. McCaul
9009 Mountain Ridge Dr.
Austin Building, Suite 230
Austin, Texas 78759
(512) 473-2357
(512) 473-0514 (fax)

Note: Please provide Name, home address, school, graduation date, home/cell phone numbers and email address.

Service Academy applicants must be:

- United States Citizens
- At least 17 years of age, but not yet 23 years of age by July 1 of the year of admission
- Legal resident of the 10th District of Texas
- Unmarried, with no dependents

There are five service academies:  The United States Air Force (USAFA), United States Coast Guard Academy (USCGA), United States Merchant Marine (USMMA), United States Military (USMA), and the United State Naval Academy (USMA).  NOTE: Congressional nominations are not required for the United States Coast Guard Academy (USCGA).

For further information or questions regarding the service academy nomination process, please contact my Austin office at (512) 473-2357.

For more information, please review my page of Frequently Asked Questions for those seeking a Military Academy Nomination. Best wishes to you as you pursue your goal of attending one of the U.S. Service Academies and serving our country.